It is hard to take advantage of time when we do not imagine how the future would be. I did a good job in high school; however, I could say to myself; focus, think about your future and do not question why you have to do the things you are doing. Take advantage of the time life is giving you and get the maximum result of what you doing. Life is only one and life without education it is just a waste of time. Learning everyday opens new doors, give you options about future, learning makes you powerful and unique and leaning helps you grow psychologically also it shapes your personality and give you the strength to fight obstacles and difficulties in life. The last thing I can say could be; be proud that you were offered education and with it, the possibility of make your future different and unique.
If I could go back to myself as a high school senior I would have told myself to try harder my senior year. I was lazy and I did not put my full effort into my work and looking back at it, I wish I would have. In many classes, I was sleeping and not paying attention to the teacher. Also, the classes I took were all college level difficulty, and I am retaking these classes again this semester. I wish I would have payed more attention to make my life easier now, when my grades really matter. Also, I would have told myself to save money more. Even though I do not go out and spend money at college, I wish that I had it there just in case I found something that I really wanted. Without having a comfortable amount in the bank, I have to think twice about spending any money.
I would tell myself to be open to meeting a variety of people. You never know what type of organization you may become involved with. College is tough and is a lot of work, but if you push yourself and form positive relationships with your classmates and professors, than you will succeed. College is not all about a party. It is good to have a social life, however, you are spending lots of money for your degree; don't mess it up! You will form friendships that will last a lifetime. You will find out who your "true friends" are and who will be there for you during your times of need. When it comes down to it, college really is the best 4 years of your life. Take it in.
By attending college I have learned to pay more attention to my studies. While skating by was always an option in high school, in college doing well means working hard. However, I have also learned that as a student, time to unwind is important too, whether through sports or time with friends, I have learned that the parable "man cannot live on bread alone" also applies to students trying to live on coffee and redbull. College has shown me that life is about balance, and striking the perfect balance between study and extracurricular activities, as well as social interaction is key to a successful college career.
I have gotten a great education thus far and friendships that I know will be in my life for awhile.
I have attained 4 degrees (BA, MS, MBA, DBA) as I have worked full-time and raised a family (and continue to work and raise a family), I have gained much empathy toward those students who continue on in their upper academic aspirations. As a current college professor , I have applied my own struggles (and continuous struggles) when discussing and inspiring life long learning and academics with students of all ages and background. Because of my diverse academics i.e., Psychology and Business, I have been able to launch my second career as an adjunct professor (with hopes of being hired on full time over the next year) at various colleges/universities due to the diverse academic background I built and continue to build on for myself. My past academic background and experience has given me the confidence needed to go one last time, the final step and achieve my Decorate in Philosophy with a PHD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. With this I will work both as a full time college professor and president of my own Industrial and Organizational Business Management consulting firm.
Communication is key. Whether it is between students in a group project or between student and professor. I have learned that I need to always communicate with my professors. Especially if I am not doing well in their class, but I express my desire to excel, they will always work with me to help me better my grades. With out communication, I would not have gotten on the Dean's List in my freshman year. Without it, I would not have not have gotten the classes that I need in order to graduate in three and a half years. Communication closes the possibility for doubt. I have learned that when I am stuggling with anything, all I need to to is talk, and the problem can usually be sorted out. The best part is that communcation is a skill that is needed for my entire life, and by perfecting it now, in college, I will be ahead of the game when I get to the workplace.
College has been a lot of things for me: chaotic, stressful, lonely, and difficult. However, I can now say that college has also been extremely fun and a wonderful learning experience. I decided to attended college several hours away from my home, thinking only of how wonderful the freedom from my parents would be. I realized that being so far away was harder than I expected, though, and the bad attitude that I developed ruined the experience for me. After transferring closer, now only 3 hours away from home, I have had a much better experience. I definitely don't regret taking a chance, though. I followed my dream of leaving my hometown, and there are aspects that I really loved
Meeting people, trying new things, and being more independent, are some things that I have experienced. I have always been a shy person, but I never thought I would change that because it is one thing to say you want to do something and actually doing it. During my first year at Shippensburg I began to become more social as the clubs and social events that I entered helped me break through my shy shell. I had to learn to depend on myself and the resources at school for me to get by at college. I felt more dependant because I was relying on the money I made and doing things myself. While attending Shippensburg University my work ethic has increased to a new level because I had to balance a work study job, classes, homework, and some sort of social life. I believe that if I did not get this opportunity to go to Shippensburg University I would still be that shy girl who would just agree with someone so the conversation would be over. College has changed my life in many ways and I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to experience these changes.
I have gotten a lot from my college experience. I am a first generation American and college student and attending SU has helped me create valuable life experiences. I am part of our Student Senate as a representative for the Multicultural Student Association and I am the Treasurer to the Latino Student Organization. I am also part of an interest group (Organization of Women Looking for Sisterhood in Chi Upsilon Sigma) looking to bring a new Latin Sorority to campus. These opportunites have helped me strengthen my leadership skills and also create life long friendships. I am very content with the Business programs offered here and I believe I am receiving the best education possible. When I graduate I will be walking away with all of these great memories, experiences, friendships, skills and education. It has been valuable to attend SU because I know I will not have a problem finding a job afterwards because of all of these opportunites offered to me while here.