If I were to go back in time to give myself some advice on college I'd begin by letting myself know that there is nothing to worry about. Your senior year is high school has always been known as your fun and easy year but don't take it too easy, grades are still very important. When you get to college there are more people to meet than you think; make sure you get out there and meet them. The school is always willing to help and the people you meet are going to be willing to help, you just need to not act shy and get out there and ask for the help. Start saving up your money now, that will help relieve some stress from your first year and give you more time to focus on your school work. Other than that, there is not much else to know. Just remember the help is out there for you but you must go out and find the help. Keep your head up and continue working toward your goals and you will do just fine but don't forget to still have some fun.
Don't go for the EET associates degree. Find some other field to go into. Don't be afraid to even find some way to go to a four year college. That degree will end up being a waste because I never got a job with it.
Don't let foreign languages be what scares you away from it either. In the end it would be benificial. To be honest I'd rather go back to my freshman or sophmore year and tell myself to take Spanish instead of French. Spanish would have been WAY more useful and I might have stuck with it and gotten the required credits for it to qualify to go to a University.
Good Luck and we'd be better off in the future if I started learning to manage money early on.
I personally waited several years before returning to college. I would tell myself that attending college right after high school would be the best. That taking time off is just a waste and it would be better to just go and get my degree. I would also tell myself that attending classes and doing the work is a huge part of college. That when going to college you really have to put your best foot forward and work hard. It doesn't come easy but in the end it will be so worth it.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to better prepare for college. In highschool I would never ask for help, I would like to work out the situation on my own. But in college most of the time its even better to seek help when you do not understand something. I would also tell myself to try to learn on my own, read more and pay more attention to the college prepratory courses. I would have participated in more school activities and became an active member in my community. Those things would have also helped me greatly prepare for college. As well as make me more eligible for scholarships and grants which I need to help me pay for college.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college, I would tell myself that college is a lot different from high school. I would warn myself that I am going to have to work harder in college, but that it is also important to have fun as well. It is important to have a balance between work and play. Some relaxation is needed every now and then. I would also advise myself to try to make some friends, so I would not be lonely and grow socially. Another piece of advice I would give would be to get a job before starting college. It is much more difficult to get up enough will power to get a job after getting a heavy work load in college. Finally, I would advise myself to be willing to accept change and try to get involved in some activities or clubs at the university. The most important word of advice I would give would be to enjoy the ride and focus on a bright future.
The first words of advice I would give myself is make sure I pursue something that is truly my passion; something I know i will enjoy doing. You can't live your life for others because in the end you will end up regretting your decision. My passion is healthcare, more specifically nursing. I love taking care of people and making them happy. Along with that, I would aggresively pursue internships at hospitals to gain an upper leg on the profession including experience and some networking contacts. I would first go after federal aid of course but go to all different types of scholarship sites and apply as much as I can to increase my chances. But most of all in choosing any educational path, go for your dreams, your passion and pursue what you love.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself I would tell myself to get work done as soon as it is given. Learning how not to procrastinate and learning how to manage my time makes college work so much easier. And of course this was all learned freshman year.
If I were to go back in time and redo my senior year I would tell myself that college is an adventure that nothing and no one can prepare me for. In high school I didn't have to try and get good grades, I was one of those few lucky people were it all just fell into place for them. Whenever I finished high school, my senior year GPA was a 4.2, I thought I was the best and nothing could touch me. Wow, was I wrong. During the first semester in college I spent every waking minute studying and doing homework. I had a very rough time and it was very emotional for me. I ended my first semester of college with a GPA of a 2.79. It was a big wake up call to me, that I had to actually work for what I wanted this time. This has really opened my eyes and made me rethink on how I should be a better student. So, yes, I would love to go back in time and tell myself to be prepared, study and work harder. I know I can do better, and I will.
This question is not the hardest question for me because I currently have a younger sister who is in high school. The advice I have for her (and would give myself), is to be open and explore all the options out there. I love Shippensburg, but I do not think I gave other schools enough of a chance. I also think the best way to transition is to know that you can always come home no matter how far away or how close you are. However, that it really is important to cut some ties and make sure you step out on your own to learn more about yourself (and enjoy home more when you are there). And last make the time to go out and meet a lot of people, take chances, have fun, and work hard because regrets are something you should never have. I wouldn't change a thing about my past because then I wouldn't be me today. Taking each day as it comes is the best way to do it and learning from that day leads to great things. In general, be you, it is that simple.
The advice i would give to myself is that its harder than high school and you need to actually develop study skills. I know this because i went through it. I really never studied in high school because you didnt have to because it was just that easy and i took that mind set into college and i passed my classes but i passed them with low grades and i know that i can do better than what i did and i know how its just the matter of sitting down and making yourself study because you think that you will be fine with what you did and if you do just a little but you will only get a little bit out of it. so the message im trying to say is that you need to put in a lot more effort into college than you do high school.