Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Choosing the right college is tough and a lot of thought should be put into it. I know one of the biggest issues when choosing college is the students feel pressured to decide quickly, looking back, my advice for parents and students would be to slow down. College is an extremely important choice but its also important to go somewhere that suits you. Rushing to decide where you want to go could ultimately lead to being unhappy. It should be exciting choosing a college, so make sure it stays that way. It gets very hectic trying to meet deadlines but the key is to stay calm and plan ahead. You'll find the college that suits you, it will just click and you'll know where you want to go. Once you decide on that college, and actually get there, make sure you get involved. Most students who don't bother to get involved aren't as happy as those who did. Make the best out of college, its only four years, and goes much faster than you would ever imagine. Remember to breathe, choosing a college isn't life or death, it is important though.


There is no right or wrong choice when picking a college. The important thing is that you are going to college. If you do not get into the perfect school, who care! Make the best of it, keep your GPA up and learn as much as you can. When you are done you will hunger for more. I am not even through yet and I already miss it.


I think that it is very important to visit different schools while your child is in college. This way your child will be able to decide whether he or she would like to stay close to home or go out and explore more. I also think it is important to find a college or university that will best fit your child's skills and hobbies.


I would suggest that the process of finding schools that fit what you are looking for is started earlier rather than later. I found that when applications are turned in early there is a better chance that you will be awarded scholarships and other related aid.


The two most important words I can tell you about your college experience are, Get Involved. There is nothing more valuable in your college experience than hands on experience. Once you've visited all the potential schools and chosen the one that is right for you get as much work related experience as possible. College gives you so much opportunity to grow and learn; take advantage of it! Future potential employers look at involvement and work experience very high. You can learn so much in a real life setting that you can't learn from sitting in class reading a book. Find a balance between school and your social life. Too much of one or the other is never good, and being on your own for the first time can make finding this balance very difficult. Being faced with so much freedom is a very exciting thing, to succeed you need to use your head and make good decisions. Have fun with your friends, but always know when it is time to get down to work. In the same regard, always recognize when you need to take a step back from your work and relax with your friends. Good luck!


Look for the qualities you do not see in a brochure. Visit the campus and see what students who are already paying to go have to say. The more you see the school through the eyes of a student, the better you can judge what your experience will be like. Studying is important, but so is getting involved. The best way to make friends is to pick an interest and join a group. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because mistakes help you grow. Some self-motivation goes a long way in class and in life on campus. Most important of all, go to college because you want to learn. That's the only reason that will get you through with memories, friends, and knowledge that you will never forget. You are your college experience. Make it spectacular.


Finding the right college is a very imporant thing. I feel like once you find the right college, you'll step onto the campus and know immediately that it's for you. Once you find a college like that, everything else falls into place. Making the most of you're college experience is being able to juggle your social life and academic work. I believe that you need to have a little of both to really enjoy yourself and be able to look back and be glad that you choose that college and cherish the memories that you gained there.


I believe students need to decide what they want in a college and what they are pursuing in life. They need to decide what program fits them best and what campus they feel at home on.


I would recommend visiting the campus and surrounding area prior to applying or deciding on a college to attend. Find out the reputation of your major's department. Ask current students or recent alumni their opinions on scheduling, faculty, dining services, housing, and overall satisfaction with their experience. Don't chose a college just because your friends are going there, go to the one that offers the best services for your major. Be outgoing and meet as many diverse people as you can, you'll make your best friends in college. Don't party like crazy your first semester freshman year, its very different from highschool you'd be surprised how easy it is for your GPA to drop. If you're struggling in a class don't wait to get help and go to your prof's office hours to show you're putting forth an effort, they sometimes take that into consideration when giving your final grade for the course.


I would recommend visiting the campus and surrounding area before applying or deciding on a college. Research the availability and reputation of your major's department. Ask current students or recent alumni their opinions on things like scheduling, faculty, housing, social life, food etc.