Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


The best advice I could give anyone searching for the "perfect" college is: there is no perfect college, only the perfect mentality. No matter where you go - a city school with hundreds of people in your class, a quaint Christian based school where church is a must - your attitude determines the next four years of your life. When you get to college, you finally get to be the person you've always wanted to be. No one expects anything more of you, except for you to be yourself. While grades and classes are very important, what makes the most out of your college experience is getting involved with an organization or club as soon as possible. Finding your niche or your "campus family" will make the next four years more amazing than you could have ever dreamed. So no matter where you end up, make the decision that these next for years will be the best yet! Great luck to you and oh, wearing your lanyard around your neck is a dead give away that you're a freshman. Happy growing!


My advice to students would be to do your research. Go online and look at what different schools offer and then create a list of your top five favorites. From there, travel with your parents to each campus and try to absorb as much as you can. While on the different campuses try your best to interact with students who are currently attending that college. The students will answer your questions truthfully and in an unbiased manner. Once you see all your choices in person, think over your options for a decent amount of time. There is no reason to rush into choosing a college that you may be unhappy with down the road. Also, always remember that you need to pick the college that is right for you, not necessarily your friends or parents.