Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Visit colleges and choose the one where the air of the campus and students just "feels right." Classes are important, but you can always find a good teacher to be your mentor. Fitting in with the school itself is most important. Make sure you can picture yourself talking to and becoming friends with the other students, joining the clubs and sports on campus, and just hanging out in the buildings between classes.


look for something that will make you feel "right at home." the first year or semester will fly by with that kind of surrounding.


Visit, Visit, Visit! The most important thing is walking onto a college campus, taking the tour and getting the feel for the environment. Would you buy a car without first taking it for a spin? Of course not! You're going to spend the next 4-8 years here, take it for a test drive. Go to campus, ask questions, talk to professors. Make a list of things that you NEED to have and things that you WANT to have at your school, check them off, take notes. Once you've visited enough schools you should be able to find the one that not only feels right, but has what you need. College should be an experience that prepairs you for the world ahead, not just in the classroom, but in the people that surround you. Chose carefully, plan to be involved, and ask questions again and again. Do you want to go Greek, or do you want to do student council, the paper, or sports? Look them up, email coaches, editors, or anyone involved. Pick the place that feels right, sounds right, and has the right stuff. Never forget that the most important part is you.


Make sure the college has the major you want and a lot of opportunities for you to explore different areas of that major.


Almost every college is going to have alcohol/drugs even when it's banned. It's inevitable, but it's up to the student to make his or her own choices. Don't pick schools because your friends from highschool go there. Chances are you won't stay friends with them. Try lots of new things when you are at college and don't be afraid to talk to different kinds of people. You never know who you will meet. Also, take tests seriously and study for them. I can't tell you how many kids I know that fail most of their courses first semester because they don't study or miss tests.


Go with whatever sparks your interest and do not base your decision off of how someone else feels about the school


Students should visit as many colleges as they can to make sure they choose the right one. First off, they should pick a college that best suits their major. It is very important that the college students choose has a strong program for their major because they can have an easir time finding a job and will be good at whatever profession they choose. Students should also look for a college that they can see themselves at, imagine themselves walking around that particular campus, going to classes, and haging out with friends. After all you have to be at that same college for at least the next 4 years, why not be happy where you are? Parents should help their child find that one special college that has everything they would want for their child. Look for improvements on campus, such as adding and re-construction of buildings. Parents should also look at the affordibility of the college and what is offered to help pay tuition. Parents will want to make sure their child is safe where ever they go, so check out security as well. Most importantly, make sure your child is happy with the college they choose.


Make sure that you visit the campus before you pick the college. The pictures in the brochure or on the website do not come close to giving a complete picture of the campus. It also gives you a chance to speak with students that have actually experienced what the school has to offer.


The biggest advice I would give to the student would be to really put their heart into their decision. Make sure your pick is really some where that you want to be, that the school you're accepted to and attending has a program you enjoy. Make sure the university or college has programs outside of academics you can also enjoy.


Make sure you visit all the campuses your interested in. Try to get a good feel for what actually goes on and the way things work. Talk to many different students and faculty to see how they stand on the school and to see what they do not like about it. The most important thing is to make sure the campus and school is something you could see yourself being happy at for the next four years or so of your life. If your not happy where you are then your grades will suffer and your paying a lot of money for nothing.