Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


I would advise them to look for colleges that fit their personalities. Alot of different schools offer the same degrees its about finding what kind of school fits them. There are religous schools, party schools, and ohter schools like online classes that you can get a major out of. The biggest thing about college that I have found is the friends I have made. I recomend go to college and make friends and


VISIT IT! Take a tour of all the colleges youre applying to. Don't be afraid to ask students questions. They go there- they have the answers.


I would tell parents and students to go visit the college campus before making the decision. It's really important for the student to have a since of comfort and safety to the place where they will be for the next 4 years. And parents also want to have that comfort and safety for their child.Being comfortable on campus is a huge thing because as a college student you'll go through many things that you have never experienced before and things that your parents can't get you out of. To make to the most out of the college experience be yourself.There are many different types of people of campus so dont worry you'll find your place and group friends.College is when you start to become an adult so take advantage of the opportunities on being on your own.


The most important thing is to find a school that suits your needs and wants. Talk to students, etc. and research what the school offers. Although schools offer so many majors, make sure that your choice in schools fits into the category as being known for an accelerated program in your field of study. My deciding factor was that Shippensburg runs the wing-t in football and produces great teachers to boot. I have been waiting my whole life to do better than some of my friends and family members and feel that getting a teaching certificate from Ship will help send me in that direction.


The advice that I would give is to chose the college that the student feels most comfortable with.


I would say to them that college is the best experience of your life and to waste your time worrying about the future until your junior year and to make sure your happy at the school your at.


Find somewhere that not only seems fun socially, but acceptable academically. Try and look at the long term picture when choosing your school, because as soon as your admitted and start making new friends, the next two/four years of your life are going to go by very fast. It isn't always bad wanting to have fun with your college buddies, but take into consideration why you are at that school, and what choices would be positive and negative to make.


I would take tours on campus to make sure that you feel comfortable with the area... and I would talk to the students already there about their experience.


I would tell college students to relax. People have a tendency to stress about things. Are my grades going to be good enough? Will I be able to find a job? Will I get scholarships? Will the sports team accept me? All these things are important, but you'll do better if you're not tense all the time. Cliche as it sounds, college really is some of the best years of your life, and you'll get more out of it if you're not stressing all the time.


Take your time. Know what is important to you when choosing a school. Visit many colleges. Apply early. Never underestimate the cost of tuition.