Most students wear t-shirts and shorts. The campus- all 40 acres of it!- is huge! Dressing up is nearly impossible if you want to be comfortable.
You will find everything and anything at UT. Whether or not they interact depends on what they are involved in. There is opportunity to do everything and get to know many people, but some just do not take that chance.
No student would feel out of place at UT, except a small town student. UT is big and Austin is a good sized city. All races, religions, socio-economic classes, and gender preferences exist and feel at home here. Most students are white and are upper middle class. Students are pretty split with half left and half right here. People don't talk much about how much they'll earn one day.
Huge and diverse. Everyone has a voice, which is important on a campus as large as this one.
I have had interactions with and have friend from many different communities, in terms of race, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic status. Because there are so many organizations that cater to different identities, the only students who would feel out of place are those who do not choose to get involved in an organization. Students tend to cluster together from similar communities, but there are definitely many interactions as well between them. Most students are from a large city in Texas, but I have met countless studnets from other states and even other countries.
There is a huge diversity of people that go to school here. Big/small, black/white, rich/poor, dorky/cool, smart/dumb, attractive, ugly. I would say that overall, the school is more liberal.
Being such a huge and diverse place UT has people from any background you can imagine. There are international students, white, chicanos, blacks , etc but the majority of times each group hang out with their own people. There is opportunity for you to interact with any group though, i just dont see it happen that often
I like the diversity here. So there's not much to do. You'll always be able to find a group or organization, or at least three other people who have the same values as you. Just look around. I can't tell what's prevalent in terms of demographics.
I think the student body is amazing. There are so many engaging student groups on campus that promote humanitarian causes, religious beliefs, and heritages. Events I love most are those that combine these student organizations to showcase their unique gifts and spirits.
UT is extremely diverse, it's fun to be around so many different cultures that are so proud and active. There are lots of culture related student groups on campus and they host lots of holiday and awareness events that are entertaining but also educational. It's fun to learn about other cultures and UT makes it very easy also.