there isnt i can or cant, its only about i want to and i dont want to. in other words only if you really want, you can be the person that you dream to be
College has given me to great things. The first is a great education that has prepared me well for a job in my prefered field of engineering. The second is a chance to grow and really learn about myself. When you go away to college, you not only learn how to take care of yourself, but what kind of person you are. I think if I had just started working after high school, I never would have gotten the opportunity to find what I really love, and give back to my community like I have been able to at college.
I have gotten how to get things on my own. Without having my mother by my side at all times I have learned how to be a strong young adult that I know I am. I can get my own medications, buy my own necessities and making my own choices. College has given me the chance to meet new people from all around the world. There are people that I have met that have helped me out when I was down and needed someone by my side. I have found great mentors. Living in the dorms makes me feel like I have my own living space with my own things.
Throughout college I have been able to meet new people and network. I have also been exposed to different cultures and different people. It has been valuable because I believe that my experiences that I have had will help mold my future.
I am the first person from my family to attend a university. My family is from mexico and no one has a degree of any type. Most of my family members have blue collar jobs and they have a very low standard of living. I grew up with a single mother who had to raise a household and me and my sisters on a very low income. Life has been a big struggle and unfortunately so has our standard of living. I understand that education is key to evolving as a person and also increasing one's standard of living. Educated individuals are better off and can provide a higher standard of living than people who do not educate themselves or persue higher knowledge or education. My primary goal is to persue an education and graduate from a university. Many people dont value this and take this for granted. To me its the key to imrpove my life and my families life. I value the opportunity that I have and will always strive to educate myself even after I graduate. I have gotten alot out of my education up to this point and feel very privaledge.
My college experience has been enlightening in my life. As an originally shy person, college has broadened my outlook on life. I have been able to participate in different organizations in college that have bettered me as a person. My freshman year I was able to be an officer in SFCC's Spanish Club. Now, in my second year of college, I am able to work in the admissions office and as a mentor to incoming students at SFCC.
So far, though I've only been attending a single semester, I've learned quite a great deal. I'm not sure that all of it is good, but I've learned it as the school necessitates. I've learned to understand why, exactly, I'm in school, and to keep my focus on my goals and aspirations. I've learned that it's okay to disagree with authority figures, that it's okay to be open about it, and that it need not be confrontational. I've learned to communicate concepts and ideas more effectively in art, and what the fine arts community at large will expect of me. Throughout my college life I've grown more and more open-minded, beyond what I previously thought possible. I've learned to slow down and really appreciate the things that truly matter in life, like relationships. I've learned never to take what I have for granted, and that working for what you want makes it much more valuable. To conclude, I've learned that life doesn't wait for me or anyone. If I want something, I have to go and get it.
When I was applying for college, I was told that it would be hard because it's a whole different world from what I had been used to in high school. At first I was afraid because I didn't know what to expect. Once I got to college, I saw that it was something different and more beautiful then high school. I am a physiology major and I love it so far. When I leave I know I will have a sense of accomplishment that I wouldn't have had if I didn't attend college. I have become more independent, which puts fewer burdens on my parents because they worry about me. They know I can take care of myself now. I have learned so much in these past three semesters that I have been here. I have learned to help and give to others. I have made great friends. I hope to make great memories in the future. Because of college, I know I can accomplish anything. I have confidence that I can reach my goal of becoming a pediatrician. . I am still experiencing everything college has to offer and everyday it is something new.
I have learned many different things that I could use in later life.
I have learned that life outside guided hours and punishment for being late for classes its hard to stay on track. You have to put all of your heart and soul into college and really want what your going for. Wanting to be a Veterinary Technician I need to be prepared for long work hours and alot of hard tedious tasks. My college experince has opend my eyes to the fact that sometimes you have to really keep your cool even when someone cant answer any of your questions, or have any idea what there doing. It takes alot of patience and focus to be in college. I have my family and friends right by my side encouraging me because they know I have all the ambition I need to make into this program. This new life has shown me I need to value my time and myself alot more than I do. I put my best foot forward everyday I walk into that building, take a deep breath and dive right in. Being a college student is hard work no matter what your there to learn, and its important to always make sure youre working toward your goal.