It is hard to explain all I have gotten out of my college experience in only one semester. The one semester I have attended at the University of Arizona so far has built my friend circle to be more than just a circle but such a vast group of amazing people. Each day there is a new person to meet and another story to learn about them all while being immersed in such a beautiful enviroment with sunshine around 365 days a year. The curriculum is so broad but is directed toward the job world ahead at the end of the four years you attend. It is competitive and so is the job world so being put in a large campus such as this one is doing something more than just passing thousands of students through classes. Each person is researching something else and all striving for greateness so the competitive edge is engrained in the this academic society. I have embraced this competitve way in my academics which has bettered my grades as well as my knowledge in all subjects. In my college experience this knowledge is the most valuable component to life I can recieve.
I have learned that college is a fun new experience. It can be frightening at first, but in the end once you meet the people surrounding you, the faculty and staff, that it is an amazing place. This college experience is the most amazing and valuable existing part of my life. I love it! In fact, attending college here has led me to realize that this is where I am suppose to be. I have learned that taking a chance to become a better person, and becoming something of myself it the best choice, much better than sitting home with my parents and regretting having to compete for a job, when in the end I will be having a degree behind me, getting me the jobs that I want with the salary worth working for.
What I have gotten out of my college experience is that organizing my schedule wisely is a very important task to do in college. Organizing my schedule wisely in college is very valuable to me to attend college is because, the time in college is very limited. There are lots of things to do, such as attending meetings, going to classes, studying for tests, and going to work. Organizing my schedule is a very helpful way to help me suceed in college. It lets me see what things i need to do first and making sure that I actually do it. It also makes me stay on task so that way I don't mess up or forget about something. Organizing my schedule can help me prevent procrastinating and get things done on time. Getting things done on time can allow me to have more free time to myself or get other things done earlier. Organizing my schedule has helped me stay on top of my priorities and making sure that I get things done on time.
My college is unique in that when done right it does allow a lot of liberty for a person do what they want. There are some programs that do try to support students who may not have such a conventional view of their college experience and/or future. In this respect, I am very lucky to attend my college because I am the type of person who likes to have things done my way and to combine many different interests. I have also learned about bureaucracy and how things should be priorities often aren't and many types what is right is not what is done. But because of this I have learned to accept certain things that one is unable to change, but also I have learned when I have had enough and when change must be enforced. This, I find to be a very valuable lesson for one to learn for their future.
The best things I got were more experience with myself and interacting with others. I did get the chance to intern with a person who is doing what I hope to some day do. Other than that I learned how complex and difficult atending a college can be. There is so much to know and understand and if you are unaware of certain things then it is shame on the student for screwing up regardless of the matter. The tuition is rising and the classrooms are getting larger and interactions with the professors are few and far between. Times are rough right now and the way this college is structured can either shock a student to distruction or be a very miserable and costly experience. I now have a touhger skin and always read the fine print and look for the forest through the trees before I take the word of a campus employee. I really learned how to be on my own at this campus.
I have been challenged to think in new ways and to push myself beyond what I believed I could do. I have learned to trust myself. Now I know I can do things that before seemed impossible. I have discovered strengths that I didn't know I had previously, and have learned to work within my weaknesses. I am proud of what I have accomplished, and look forward to continuously learning throughout my life.
I've learned a lot in the classes I took this semester, and I'm definitely happy about that. Also, the class I took to advance my career field helped prepare me for my future.
I have encountered good professors who do truly care about each student. I am thankful for the small class sizes providing the optimum learning environment for me. Tulsa Community College offers a wide, seemingly endless range of courses to its students, as well as discounted prices to events, movies, and museums around the community, and a state of the art fitness center with convenient hours. I also benefit from the large and resourceful library loaded with qualified staff. I have had wonderful opportunities to explore fields of work through my college. I am looking forward to moving on to the Unversity of Oklahoma to continue my education and fulfill my dreams of becomng on the the nations nurses educated from one of the best and most competitive programs in the United States. I hope you can help make my dreams come true by assisting me with the cost of this outstanding institution. Thank you.
I truly feel that so far my college experience has enabled me to grow as an individual. I have become more confident, ambitious, and I continuously challenge myself to do better in anything that I am doing. Friends I've made inspire me to do my best, never give up, be grateful for what I have, enjoy life, and just be the best person I can possibly be at all times. I have come to understand the true meaning of sisterhood and giving back to the community through joining Delta Delta Delta and becoming a part of Greek Life. From my art classes, I feel I have expanded outside of my comfort zone and become more creative as an artist, which is something I will carry with me forever especially throughout my career. This University has been so valuable for me to attend because it constantly pushes me to strive and do better. I have learned valuable skills, techniques and work habits that will help me become successful and happy when I begin my career. I am confident I will be ready to take on life's challenges from this new growth that I have had from this college experience.
I have learned that college teaches you lessons for survival in every day life. The world is full of people from all walks of life. Everybody will hurt you, but you just have to find the ones worth suffering for.