University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


From my experiences here at the University of Arizona I believe that the most important lesson that I have learned is simply press forward with determination. I believe that we can accomplish anything, that we honestly set our mind to, by simply persisting. True satisfaction in life is found through accomplishment, and accomplishment is the product of persistence. The true value of my attendance has been tasting this accomplishment and therefore satisfaction, even when uncertainty seemed to abound in my life.


Being at a two year college I have worked hard to get where I am and to stay out of debt. The hard work and effort I have put in at my college has tought what life outside of college is like and has prepared me for the struggles ahead.


From college I've gained more life experience in different situations, learned how to live on my own and grow as a person. College has been valuable to attend because it's where one develops the mental abilities to survive outside from their parents or relatives. College is the place where one can further his mind past what he thinks he knows and can lead to great possibilities for careers.


I think that the most valuable thing that I received by coming to college in Arizona is being able to show myself that I can make it on my own on the opposite side of the country with out the help of my parents. I have shown myself that if you work hard it pays off, and not only that but there is still time to go out and have fun. I have also met amazing people here that I wouldn't have if I were to attend at a state school, and I get a better life experience by not following my high school. I have learned so much already, and I’m only a freshman, the professors are great and give you one-on-one time if needed, which helps a lot. I have gained independence, knowledge, friendships, and self worth by attending University of Arizona, and I continue to build on that every day.


Attending college has aided me in developing and exploring of a variety of interests and talents and also provided me with peers whom I may better relate to. A well rounded education is crucial to the development of a well rounded individual. Attending college has given me the opportunity to engage myself in such an education. In college, I have been able to foster my many and varied interests and have been encouraged to explore a wide array of subject areas rather than limiting myself to courses that are strictly associated with my academic program. I have also met a variety of diverse students with whom I share many interests on campus. These new acquaintances have not only provided me with companionship, but they have contributed to my education by introducing me to different beliefs, cultures and ways of doing things. Attending college has allowed me to delve into my studies and truly appreciate and enjoy this time in my life.


im learning the tools of my chosen trade and tools that might come up even though there not main stream. its valuable to me becouse im going to make a carear out of the knolage im gaining in school, and to make it out of what fells like a never ending battle to stay in the black after the rent gos though eatch month.


It gave me a start when I first got out of high school. I then married, had children and now am a single mom. I now look back and see that out of the hours that I did complete, it will give me an advantage when starting nursing school.


During my college experience, I learned a lot about myself as an individual. College has helped me shape a more in depth view of what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have been able to develop my studying habits. I have also been able to motivate myself to not accept the average, especially with the major I am going into. Because of this drive I constantly push myself to do better in all aspects, not just academically. College taught me how to be independent and work for the things that I want in life, rather than just simply asking for them. That is why I believe attending The University of Arizona has been extremely valuable for me. I have grown as a person.


I have learned to apply more discipline in my studies, in order to fulfill my professional and personal ambitions.


I have gotten alot from my college experience. I gained more knowlegde on the subjects that I am interested in, unlike high school where the classes are already predetermined. In college, I have a choice in what i want to take and that is very appealing to me. I also get to meet many new people every day from all over the world. It has been valuable to attend because every day that I go to school, my future is looking that much brighter. This college experience is preparing me for the world, to become an individual and work hard.