Wright State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wright State University-Main Campus know before they start?


When choosing a college, parents and students should look at a variety of different campuses. I wish I had looked more into the colleges I had applied to and even applied to more colleges than I had. The right college isn't always about if your friends will be there or not. It's important to pick the one that is right for YOU and also your major. It is also important to pick a college with in a safe and nice area. This is where you will be staying for several years, so you better enjoy the place you're living at. To make the most of your college experience you need to be outgoing. Don't be afraid to get involved with different school activites. It is also important to learn your views on different moral issues because every college student is faced with hard decisions. Also, don't forget to study hard and not party all the time. It's easy to take college for granted if you don't take it seriously.


Visit all of the college campuses and google the college for info on safety on campus


Go with what the student wants its always the best choice


You should look very deeply into your intended major to make sure the college offers what you are looking for. Also, visit the school while it is in session so you can see the students and classes. While attending college, get involved so you can meet others and open opportunities.


Never stop thinking about the future. Keep in mind that the next 2-7 years will determine the rest of your life. Also remember that there is no such thing as perfect, sometime in your life you're going to have to make compromises. Every school you look at will have some things you like and some things you don't like, but you will never find a school with nothing you don't like. But before you decide what you like and don't like about a school, you must decide what's most important to you. Is reputation important? How about the sports programs? cost? Only you can decide whats important but once you do and narrow your choice of schools down to 2 or 3 go visit them. Pictures can only show you so much and words can only tell you so much, you have to go experience and make sure it feels right to you. You'll never make it though 4 years of being uncomfortable. Never be afraid to ask questions on a college visit. A student that's been there for multiple years can give much better insight than a web site or brochure.


I would say to any incoming freshman to learn their school inside and out. It will be very important later.




Make sure that you know your program will stay there and you will be able to get into the classes. Your student will want to be focused otherwise you won't succeed! If they need help see if you can get a tutor because they will be able to help.


The advice that I would give to parents and students who are trying to find the right college is to choose one that feels the most comfortable and accomodating for the student, even if it costs more than others or if it is farther away than others. If a student does not feel comfortable at the university that they choose, they will never want to stay there. Also, they should choose a university based on what the student plans to study. For example, if the student plans to study business, they should choose a university with an accredited business school or one that stands out from the rest. The degree and quality of education that the student receives is more important than where the school is located or how much it costs. To make the most of the college experience I think that the student should live in student housing for at least the first year to help make friends and to get a good feel of how the classes are and what the campus is like. Finally, the student should take every opportunity that they come accross to help them succeed in their field of study.


Find a college or university that you are comfortable with, and can afford. Don't stress about going to college, because your first year will be a way to find out everything you need to know.