Take the time to find a university that can fufill your academic and personal needs now, as well as a university that can fufill anticipated and unanticpated needs later. College is a time of discovery, and transferring because of cost, switched majors, or a difficult life outside of campus property can waste precious time. Make sure that school has a little bit of everything. Make sure that school adequately cares about each individual student. It's a wonderful time to explore life, so ensure that you choose the proper instrument to accomplish that.
Go were the money is. Be bold about what you want out of your college exsperience. Use college to exsplore.
As a student and/or parent you need to seriously consider in what academic setting you are most likely to succeed in. If you tend to do well in classes where participation and discussions are commonplace, choosing a smaller university would be a better choice. If you dont have a preference or prefer to blend in and be a wallflower, a larger university may be the place for you. Additionally, if your child is used to attending a smaller school or is highly involved with extracirricular activities those things need to be considered as well. Finding an a place where one can fit in socially and enjoy extracirricular activities is just as important in finding a right fight in a place that delivers education. If a student isn't happy where they are living and with what they are doing, most likely they would not succeed as well in the classroom. One needs to have a well balanced life in order to fully enjoy the college experience and get the most out of it.
I would advise them to find a place that is at least 45 minutes away from home in case of emergencies or for those who get home sick easily. Even with that amount of distance you are able to fully experience college life and its greatness during your first year. I would also advise to save save save your money and take advantage of any and every scholarship available. Loans are nice, but you have to pay that back sooner or later. Plus Im sure parents would appreciate not putting themselves in debt and ruining their credit to help pay for college.
visit them as much as possible
Ask lot's of questions and try to talk to as many people who have been through the college experience. Talk to current students and alum. I believe it is very important to tour the campus of any school just to get a feel for the environment in which the student will be in. Once the student has begun college I suggest finding ways to get involved. Whether that be in sports or clubs. Also, use your advisors and your professors. Most of them are there to help you succeed so get to know them and build positive relationships with them. One of the biggest mistakes I made early on was being afraid to talk to my professors. I have learned that they are pretty nice people for the most part and can be extremly helpful.
Just have fun and work hard.
I would tell students and parents that they should thoroughly research all of the colleges that they are interested. I would tell them to look at every cost that they should expect that isn't included in tuition so that they know what to expect to spend on the college experience. I would also tell them to look at what is in the cities around the campus. I would tell students to make the most of their college expereince by becoming involved in something as soon as they can. I would also tell them to stay on top of all of their academic work because it is very easy to get behind in class.
It is important to find a school that not only meets your needs academically and financially, but also to find a school that will suit the student 's personal needs as well. It is not hard to feel out of your depth when you are in a class of 600 strangers or when your dorm houses more people than your hometown. It is important to find a school where your student will be comfortable with the surrounding neighborhood and with the students with which they will spend the majority of their time. It is hard to concentrate and perform well academically when one is uneasy about the living environment.
The college life is a wonder feeling, just to be on our own, independent. But there can also be a lot of distractions, so make sure your paying attention in class and finishing your assignments on time. And always remember only you can determine your future and not your parents or friends.