CONSTANTLY LOOK AND APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS! There are so many scholarships and grants that don't get dispersed because people are not using all the resources available. Also, get as involved as possible.
If I could go back and talk to myself during my senior year I would have told myself not too worry so much about things. One of these things in fact would be girls. When you are young you shouldn't get so serious about relationships or girls. It would tell me that I should focus more on grades and my future. I would have also told myself not stay up so late the night before my first attempt on the ACT. Along with that I would have told myself to study for the ACT very hard so I wouldn't have had to worry about getting financial aid. I could have received a full ride to anywhere instead. One other thing I would have told myself is to save my money better. Lastly I would have told myself to spend more time with my family. During high school I really didn't spend much time with my family, and now I am regretting it going to college. I barely ever get to see them anymore, because I am so busy. I truly do miss them. That is what I would have told myself if I could go back.
I would have made plans to go on to college when I first graduated high school when my mind was much younger and given what I know now. My high school teachers were more patient and were more willing to work with the students to make sure that they were the best individuals that they could be. Professors today do not take the time to get to know their students or even try to work with them on everyday issues that we all struggle with from time to time. I also think that we could all benefit from some type of education on how we can change our old ways of life to adjust to college life before we go there.
I would tell myself to make sure you listen to the people that care for you that in your life. My mother always told be to stay focused, keep my grades above average and apply myself. I would tell myself to develop study skills and to prioritze my life and activities. And most of all keep God first. It is not to late for me to get the best out of this opportunity that God has given me. My mother has sacrificed so much so that I can attend college. I need to make God and my mother proud of me and let them know I appreciate them having my back.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say that the transition to college from high school isnt as scary as I had originally thought. There are so many opportunities to take advantage of on campus and many advisers to help you all the way through graduation and after. They will walk you through step by step what is needed for each major or minor you wish to pursue. If you are undecided they will help you to figure out what your good at and what possibly can become your passion in life. There is also a uvc class that allows you to get to know the campus, where you go on tours and become familiar with where everything is and what is available to you. Don't slack on your work, because you want to be able to have professors in your corner for recommendations and that is always a good thing when wanting a good career. Also, the class sizes are mostly small making it easier to stay focused. There are many people to help if you fall behind in classes so never worry that your on your own.
I was diagnosed with a learning disability in grade school and ever since then I?ve had to work a lot harder then most kids my age. The thought of college was always daunting. Now as a senior about to graduate this year, I would go back in time and tell myself that anything is possible. The transition from high school to college is going to be scary, but I'll learn be effiecient and confident in my self. People I know are going to change, but I'm still the same girl with all the same values, goals and convicitons. I'm going to learn to give more and take less. I'm going to learn alot about myself and what I'm good at. College is going to make me a better person. It's hard work, but it's well worth it. I?m going to graduate in four years with a 3.0 GPA and I?ve been happier. I?ve succeed and accomplished my goals thanks to Wright State University.
Simply to stay focused. College is hard work but at the same time alot of fun. Take the exsperience seriously and you can go along way.
When you get there, be sure to study hard, keep your eyes on the prize, it is alright to say no sometimes.
My best advice would be to enjoy all of the college experience because those will be the best time of your life. The peer and teachers you meet along the way will help you along the way with your journey. And my best advice to you as a incoming freshman don't be scared because its just the beginning of a second chapter of your life. :)