York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at York College Pennsylvania know before they start?


I would tell the student to pick a school that feels comfortable to them. When they go to visit the school try and picture if they could see themselves walking those halls and sitting in those classrooms. I would advise the parents to support clubs or sports that the student is thinking about joining because it is a really great way to meet people, get involved, and prepare for their future.


Go to the college and talk to the students. They are the best source of information. They will be honest and not biased like admissions reps.


I would say that you need to select a college that allows the student to try out various activities and courses sot hat they can decide what is the best options for their future.


Look for the total package and trust your parents' opinion.


When you are looking for a college, the most important thing is to keep an open mind. Allow colleges to spam you with their information! It doesn't hurt to take a look at what each school has to offer. Make sure to visit your top 3-5 choices and sit in on classes if you have the opportunity. Just because a campus looks pretty on the outside does not mean that the classes are just as nice! Don't be afraid to ask current students what they like about the school and what they feel could use improvement. Flat out asking someone who has already gone through the motions is going to get you the most honest answers available, and therefore, the most beneficial. Once you've made your decision to enroll in a school, make the most of it by soaking up all that the school has to offer. Get involved in different organizations like greek life, clubs related to your major, intramural sports, etc. There is always something to do if you want to do something! College is about networking and making contacts that you'll keep for the rest of your life. Let yourself have fun!


The most important piece of advice that I have to offer parents and students who wish to find the right college is this: Make sure that the campus's environment is compatible with the student's interests. For instance, if a student isn't quite sure about which area of study to pursue, and one finds that his/her sense of curiousity is overwhelming, wanting to learn about many types of people and many subjects, then perhaps you should be looking for larger universities, especially ones that specialize in liberal arts and/or the humanities. Chances are that this type of school will have teachers who are experts in many disciplines which will caters to students' different (and perhaps uncertain) areas of interests. If a student feels certain about what field to study, then he/she may feel more comfortable in a private school where the professors are more focused in their particular discipline. This does not mean that these professors are more close-minded than those who teach in universities; rather, they are simply used to working with smaller groups of students, meaning that the students' interests do not differ as much as those in the university classrooms.


If i had to offer up some sort of advice, I would tell student and parents to pick a college based on education and not popularity. I know that sometimes big, state colleges are alluring, but smaller schools have plenty to offer. It is important for students to know what kind of learner they are and what settings will allow them to succeed. Personally, I value smaller classrooms and one-on-one time with professors. I know that I have a hard time concentrating in crowds and this allows me to focus and do well in my studies. I would also tell them that picking a smaller school does not mean you will miss out on typical college activities. Small schools still have many ways for you to get involved and stay busy both on campus and off.


Tours are a great resource, use them


The most important thing about finding and choosing the right college is self-analyzation. In order to find the right place for yourself, you need to know what kind of environment you enjoy living in and you need to know how comfortable you are with EVERY aspect of going to college. When you finally get there, it's really important to keep your relationship with your family strong, because you will feel lost at times. Sometimes you will feel like a broken puzzle piece, like you don't fit anywhere. This too will pass with the ongoing love and support from those who know you best. After you've come out of your shell, you can start growing into the beautiful person you will become. It all starts at college.

