York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at York College Pennsylvania know before they start?


I would advise both parents and students to schedule many college visits, starting in the junior year of high school. Make sure to visit schools that are large, small, close, or far away to get the full effect of the various types of schools available. After choosing a school that feels "right" to both the parents and the student, it is important to get involved immediately. I would encourage the student to meet all of the people on their floor, and make efforts to get to know everyone possible. The first few months are so important to meeting friends that could last a lifetime. It is important to keep your mind open to anything that could open new doors to you, such as different clubs or organizations. Parents should be very encouraging and should still try to show an interest in their child's education. Overall, college can be a great experience if you make it one!


Study hard!


Look at as many schools as you can and apply everywhere. Keep your options open.


Let your heart decide.


One of the most important things to remember when choosing a college is that it is the student's choice, ultimately, where he/she goes to college. He/she will be spending the next four years there, so he/she needs to feel comfortable where they are. If a small college suits you better, than that is what you should search for. Just because a school seems to be a lot of fun because of the famous sport team or huge campus, it may not be the right environment when it comes to academics. However, this is something that students learn on their own and figure out- hopefully before admittance to college. College can be the best four years of your life, if YOU make it that way.


My advice to parents and/or students would be to do the work and take the time to investigate all of your options. If finances are a issue, consider attending a community college close to home and then transfering. Visit potential colleges during the school year so you can see how the students interact with vistors and/or other students. Once you have chosen the school you like, get involved with school activities outside your studies. Get involved in volunteering with the community which the school should advocate. Go out of your way to make new friends. Do not lock yourself in your room and emerse in studies. Not that studies are not important but your health is also very important and you need to balance the two.


You really have to take into consideration what kind of school you want to go to, be it small or large it will make all the difference.


It is important to take into account aspects like the quality of the individual major you/your student is entering, the cost of the education, graduate school possibilities, desires to study abroad, living accomidations, distance from home and class size. Many students that I know have gone into a lot of debt to go to a particular school only to graduate and realize that their degree was only a stepping stone to graduate school. This debt is now really holding the students back. It is nice to have a good college experience, but it is also important that college is a springboard into your future rather than a financial burden. I chose to go to school in my town because I am going to graduate school. It has helped me a lot and I don't feel that I lost out on "the college experience" at all. Also, get involved in organizations that interest you as a freshman because after that you will be too busy to make time for it. My honors program has been invaluable to my college experience.


My best advice would simply be for the student's to find a college that can fulfill their needs. I know this may seem like a broad statement, but it is very important for students to go to schools that have a strong program for the major they want to be in. Also, after coming here, I have realized that it is very important for parents and students to think about how much change will be needed to adapt to the new college. For example, it took a lot of getting used to coming from a farm town to a college very close to a city. My advice to students would be to get involved while they're at school. Finding new activites to do will help release a lot of the stress that is caused by schoolwork, and of course you'll be able to meet all types of new people that may be able to give you a lot of new insight on places and things that may be new to you. Finding a school where you will feel comfortable at and will be able to engage in fun activities at is the best advice I can give.


Allow your child to make their own decision! Encourage he/she to look out of state. There is nothing like going away to school and feeling the warmth and love of your family and friends when you arrive home the first few times. It is an experience much like studying abroad...you will never be able to get it back! It is an undescribable experience that I would never in a million years trade. I have made great friends at YCP that will forever be a part of my life. Some of my best memories are from college and I cannot imagine my life without these memories and the friends I have made. My roomates will be in my wedding along with my best friends from home. Give your child the opportunity to attend college "away" or out of state! He/she will never be able to thank you enough! :)