The fall 2020 acceptance rate for CUNY Bernard M Baruch College is 30%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
The advice I would have given myself, would have been to go to college right after high school. My biggest regret in life is waiting until I was 38 to complete my advanced degree.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Baruch is a culturally diverse, challenging and competitive school.
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Describe the students at your school.
They are very diverse both ethnically and in mindset, there are some which are very studious and those who aren't.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Indifferent? Students are probably more driven and possibly smarter than those at other CUNY colleges.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
- The best thing about Baruch is definitely the number of activities that it is involved in. Located right at the heart of New York City, Baruch has access to some of the finest institution, right in it's backyard. Its students always have somewhere to go, something to see.
- One thing I'd change is install additional elevators and working escalators. With the student population of approximately 15,000, it is crucial that students would be able to go where they need, at the time they need to.
- The school is just right. With over 14 floors of access on the vertical campus building, as well the Newman Library and the 23rd Street building, it is enough to house everyone adequately.
- When I tell people I go to Baruch, they ask "what's that"? I tell them about the history of Baruch, what it is most notable for, and then they begin to understand and accept my studies.
- I spend most my time in the Newman Library and VC's computer labs studying and finishing assignments.
- The Baruch administration is excellent. Everything is efficiently maintained, and is easily accessible, with minimal downtime. The staff is very friendly, always giving a helping hand, without a question.
- The biggest recent controversy on campus I believe was the stolen CUNY laptop filled with sensitive Financial Aid information of thousands of students.
- There is an extreme amount of school pride. Judging high turnouts to the sports games, various events and pep rallies, the participation and joy is always immense.
- There is nothing unusual about Baruch, except for the unique architecture of the VC building.
- One experience I'll always remember was right outside the vertical campus building. Not paying attention, I almost stepped on a pigeon that has been hit by a car. I believe I evaded a traumatic breakdown that day.
- The most frequent complaints are the packed elevators during peak times and the non-functional escalators between the second and fifth floors. Another is struggling to properly swipe IDs on turnstiles.
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What are the academics like at your school?
- Most of my professors know my name.
- My favorite class was Speech Communication (COM 1010) of Fall 2007. The professor and students were so enticing, I always enjoyed going to class and never missing any sessions.
- Students study all the time. All you have to do is look 180 degrees and there will always be someone with a book, pen or paper.
- Class participation is more frequent than high school, usually at a 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} participation rate.
- Some Baruch students have very intellectual conversations outside of class. Some challenge my thoughts, and has changed my views on many subjects. They share experiences with me, and I share with them. It makes the world go round.
- Students are very competitive. With everyone aiming for an A and a 4.0 GPA, the main focus is to worry about yourself, then later worry about others.
- The most unique class I have taken is probably my management class this semester. The professor is very engaging. In every class, every student usually speak two times or more. Management has become the second speech communications class for many, and it is a very fresh experience.
- My intended major is Finance and Investments, the little brother of Accounting.
- I sometimes spend time outside with professors. I usually do not want to bother them and become a nuisance, because I know they have just as much work as students.
- The academic requirements I believe are fair, though I wish there are more four credit classes. Some classes meet for more than four hours a week, but the course is only for three credits.
- Baruch balances both. The academics build towards a career, but the events such as internship fairs are subsidies. In my opinion, fairs and events are optional, and up to the students whether or not to attend. The academic requirements are sufficient not enough for a career.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Stereotypes are definitely not accurate. Stereotypes generalize a whole group of people, and we all know no one person is alike. Any kind of stereotype is misconception about what people do not know about others.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
- The most popular groups I believe are all the ones on the third floor, Undergraduate Student Government, WBMB Radio, The Ticker, frats/sororities, etc.
- I have been involved with WBMB Baruch Radio, since October. I haven't visited the radio this semester yet because of my new and demanding schedule.
- There are a handful of students who attend athletic events and the theater. A small population know the distinguished guests who attend or perform.
- The dating scene, from what I see is quite hidden. I do not see many couples, it's really hard to pick them out from a crowd. Everyone is always friendly, hugging, kissing and etc.
- I met my closest friends from the learning community of Freshman year. It is definitely one of the best experience of my life.
- If I'm awake at that time, I am most likely studying. I never do any written or typed assignments during that time. Once I am placed in front of a screen, I won't be able to focus.
- I'm not sure how often people party. It's less frequent in a demanding school like Baruch, with everyone scattered across the tri-state area and busy lives.
- I believe fraternities and sororities are important for those involved. For others, it is almost never mentioned.
- I was doing my weekly assignments last week, with not good enough weather to go outside.
- Going out to watch a movie is a great way to not drink. Just do not be tempted to drink after the movie has ended.
- Off campus, I enjoy my time with my brother's college friends and my high school ones. I usually do not hang out with my Baruch friends.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
My college is unique because it has a very prominent business program right here in New York with a huge array of diversity from several dozen countries and states. Most other colleges do not meet these qualifications that I have set up for myself.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Competition is very frustrating in my school because everyone is very inetelligent and want to be the best. they only care for the good students and not for the ones who just needs a chance becaouse they might not be quick learners as others.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I personally love my school.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
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What's unique about your campus?
Affordable tuition. I have attended other schools that were pricey and Barauch offers a quality education at an affordable rate.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I brag about the fact that I can save money for the future while preparing for it at the same time. Currently I have an internship at a magazine and I am attending school simultaneously. Most kids, including myself, that go to Baruch live at home and that is an easy and common way students help their families especially in such pressing economic times.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
The stereotype seems to be that all students in Baruch are in the business major. Although the majority of students are in the Zicklin School of Business, or intending to be, there are also students in the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Public Affairs.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Anybody who wants to pursue a career in Business
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Tell us about the food and dining options.
The school cafeteria food is mediocre. It rarely ever changes, but on the bright side, the prices are affordable. If you go outside of Baruch, it opens up your food options to anything and pretty much everything you crave for. Within a few block radius, you have your japanese, thai, indian, cuban, viet, food trucks, italian, etc.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
That there are so many required courses.
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What are your classes like?
The Zicklin School of Business is supposed to be the second best after the NYU Stern business school, that’s why students flock here to get a great business education at the fraction of the price. The job placement rate for Baruch’s business school is very high, as students must take at least one internship class. Most upper-classmen work at least part-time.
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When you step off campus what do you see?
There is always construction going on in the city and around Baruch. Scaffolding can stay up year-round, and there is al
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