Coppin State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Coppin State University know before they start?


with me being a current college student, if i vould go back in time, as a highschool senior i would have envouraged myself to have better study havvits and methods of studying. Although i was very succesful in highschool i always study at the last minute and i never had a method of studying. now as a vollege student i still am following the same habbits . Although i have great success with what i am doing now, i am pretty sure that if my study habbits were better then i wouldnt make the silly mistakes that i make on exams and quizes.


I would tell my high school self to reach for the stars because if you want it it can be attainable. I would tell her that prioratizing, time management, and a positive out look will be good tools to have. I believe that the transition can be hard in the beginning as in any new experience, but you can do it because it has been done so many times before you. I would say stay true to yourself and the morals that you have because in college you many encounter negative things that can hinder you from being sucessful. I would also say that it possible to be involved in campus activities and still get good grades. I would actually recommend to become involved in everything that you want to because in my opinion college is not just about the academics but being well rounded.


Tiffany, shut up and listen! You need to get your head out of the clouds and focus. You'll have the rest of your life to have fun but right now you need to concentrate on your academics and get a clue about financial management. You don't realize how easy you have it right now. In two years you'll have a beautiful son that will change everything you think you know about life. Your absence of drive will negatively impact both of your lives if you continue to neglect your responsibilities. That being said, nursing is probably a better major for you as opposed to being a business major like your brother. You'll enjoy it and it will be much more appealing to you. It won't necessarily be any easier but you're better suited for it. You will struggle but anything worth having is worth fighting for. Always remember to love yourself because from slelf-love comes self-esteem, self-respect, self-appreciation and self-awareness. Also, do yourself a favor and put down the snacks. Metabolism turns on you after twenty-one. You will make it through, kid. Never stop smiling.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to stay focused, bust my butt to make good grades and attend school everyday. I would also tell myself that friends and outside can always wait because everything thats here now will be here when Im finished school. The most important thing I would tell myself is that boys can wait because 'books before boys because boys bring babies'. I would tell myself to study hard and ace those SAT's so that I could be awarded with all the grants and scholarships available to me. I would also tell myself to think about my future and where I would like to be 5-10 years from now because without higher doesnt go far. If I could go back in time, these are the things I would tell myself.


College experience is wonderful! I could not imagine how much i have gotten out of college experience until I went back to spend this past holiday with my friends who have not gone to college yet. They confessed that I have really been refined and redefined in the manner I now speak, reason, think, and appraise issues. College is valuable to attend because it does not only widen your intellectual and academic horizon, but it equally prepares your with qualitative leadership tranings that are sufficient for you to face the real world after college. I advise everybody to go and have college experience because it is a lifetime experience. All my friends who were not college graduates are now in college.


My perception of college and what I have experienced have been a life changing event. My peers always given me the perception that college life is all about learning who you are socially. Without every attending a university I created a certain bias a prejudice. The only real experience I had before attending college was reality television. I always dreamed of the day that I would be able to attend an actual university. Truly I never thought I would be able to attend college. I did not know whether or not I would have the support or the confidence to achieve that kind of goal. The only people I ever seen attend college were on television and there was no one in my family who would even conceder attending college. Therefore; just having the chance to experience the college is what I conceder being valuable.


During my time at Coppin State University I have grown to become very independent. I've learned that in order to become successful you have to want it for yourself. Entering college I was very dependent on people controlling my level of success but from attending Coppin State University it has taught me to be self driven and self motivated if I want to become successful in life. I've learned the values of hard work and patience over the years at Coppin. Everything in life doesn't come easy you have to strive and work hard for it. Also during my time at Coppin, I've learned how to adjust to my surroundings understanding others point of views and looking out of the box. Everything isn't about me and to become successful you have to compromise to make things work. Coppin State University have molded me into a successful business woman who wants nothing more than to become successful and accomplish all of my goals with a positive attitude. I value hard work and determination a lot more from attending Coppin State University.


So far my college experience had been good and bad. The good part is that im learning to be more social and more independent. The teachers leave your education up to you so that you have to work for what you want. This is great for me because i love to be challenged. This is very valuable to me because i believe by attending college it starts to shape your future. You learn who you are and who you want to be around. You also learn new skills and discover what you really want out of life.




During the past few months that I have attended college I have gotten many ideals out of this experience. The most important value that I have taken from my college experience overall is responsibility. No longer did I have my mother wake me up every morning to tell me to go to my classes. No longer did I have my teachers push me to do my work. No longer was I a child. I feel as thought, even though this is just the beginning of my college experience, my evolution to adulthood began the moment I started my college courses. My attendance of college has been especially valuable because it taught me the importance of hard work, dedication, and commitment.