Coppin State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Coppin State University know before they start?


After being in College for almost two years I really have learned a lot. College has taught me how to be independent and has made me a more mature indivdiual. Before I came to college I thought it was all about partying and fun, but now I know its about the work and graduating in order to obtain my dream career. I have learned to be focused and I have also ,learned to have my priorities straight. I am confident that I will be ready to go into the world on my own and do fine because college is preparing me for the obstacles. Overall, going to college is one of my best decisions in life thus far.


Coming to college has shown me a lot of things and has been valuable in so many ways. When i graduated high school my plan was not to come to college and just work but, once i did Coppin's summer program i knew with all my heart that i wanted to go here. In my experience in college, i've learned how to become independent and to take my education more seriously. College has been valuable because i thought college would be hard and boring, but it became easy once i put my mind to the fact that i am going to do well. College is also bettering myself for the long future ahead of me.


Well college for me, has been both successfull academically, socially, and personally. I see everything in college as a learning and transition period. Here is where i have begun to find myself because I am on my own and have to learn how to make decisions for myself. In doing this, i have to learn a lesson if i so happen to make a "wrong" decision. I don't regret anything that I do I just try to learn from my actions and apply that to myself personally and become a better person. Academically, I've had my ups and downs but I always try to remain positive and not become discouraged because that would cause me to lose focus. I've met some great people here as well. We've develop[ed a bond and a sisterhood and I love all of my friends. No matter how many downs I acquired, there is still an up side to it all. My experience here has been great. I wouldn't change anything. I learned a great deal and not just academically. I have grown personally and have gained some needed knowlege. And I am forever greatful.


Iam very pleased with the college education received from Coppin State University. The faculty and staff are very helpful and encouraging to the students. Ive attended serveral colleges and this is the college I felt most at home. The students and teachers are genuine. Their is a over all atmosphere of greatness. So I student I strive to be the best in what ever I do,because of the guidance of the teachers and staff. I love my experience at Coppin and I would like to encourage future students to select Coppin for attendance.


i have gotten a good bit but the one thing i really got out of it was to take your time because if you dont time will take you. in other words if you dont take you time it will be hard to finish.


In my younger years, I was much more prone to rash decisions and fast action. Instead of working my way through a challenge, I consistently looked for ways to cut corners, to get the job done faster. And that method worked for me for a long while. My college experience has taught me the value in patience and understanding. What it means to discover a solution by truly understanding the problem rather than just looking for a quick fix. I have also learned that finding solutions often requires teamwork, compromise and the humility to ask for help. I learned that the fastest and easiest solution is not always, if ever, the best solution. At Coppin State University, I have discovered real value in hard work, determination, committment and true friendship. I am learning what it means to put trust in someone, and to have that trust and respect put in my hands for safe keeping. Along with math, science, english and the arts, I am learning the value of honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, and respect. I have learned, at Coppin, that although good things come to those who wait, the best things come to those who work hard.


I have gotten to learn how to be more social with people on campus in a way you have to show it back because everyone here is so friendly and respectful of one another. Also, how to be more focused in school because the professors here are about helping students succeed with their work. I have met a lot of new people here on campus and friends with people who live in the dorms. Coppin State University has been valuable to attend because the faculty and staff were here to help me with picking my major and the tutoring services here at the school are great.


As a senior studying Health Information Management, I have been able to understand the significance of education in one's life. It is a very eye opening experience and I have been able to flourish from it. I am more confident and open minded on all issues. I am also glad that I will be making a difference in the outside world, especially in healthcare when I graduate. My education has also helped me to positively influence others and I know I will continue to influence others & advocate for my patients and the organization that I will represent in the future. I belive I am now fully prepared for the work force and in making the world a better place. Thank you.


I have gained a lot out of my college experince from my first year. I learned that paying attention in middle school and high school is essential because when coming to college it it the same thing but more detailed. When coming to college i realized most of the items were the same but more detailed and complex and made me wonder that it would be way easier if I payed close attention in high school. I gained to not take anything for granted or to never forget what you learned. It has been valuable to attend because I can go back home and tell my little brothers what to do so they wont be in my same situation when they graduate high school. I know i can prepare them to do better then I did since they have someone to look up to. Unlike me that did not have anyone to help me but i was succesfull and made it this far.


I have gotten education, and it is valuable to attend because it is a diversed college.