Coppin State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Coppin State University know before they start?


Be focus and enjoy


The best advice that i would give parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experince is to look at what works for you. Every college is not for everyone. Some students can work better in a large environment and some students works better in smaller environments like me. You have to see what works for you and use it . What does not work for you should be removed from your life. Make the most of the college experince because there are people that can not afford to attend college. Experience is a great tool for a successful career.


Advice I would give parents and/ or stduents about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience would be to take your time. Chosing a college is not just trying to get out of your parents hosue. It is the next step to staring a new chapter in your life, a decision that is going to lead you to your career goal. When making the decision of your college choice read into your school, go visit on more than one occasion if possible. Once you have made the decision of what school you would like to go to, and you have started school; to make the most out of the college experience; get involved. Do not just go to school, go to your classes, and get your grades. There's more to college than that. Be involved in as many activities as possible. Do not hold back from anything!


I would let them know that they should make sure that the college is not only the right place, but also the best place for their learning experience. Never settle for less than you can and should recieve with education. Without an education, most people will never make it anywhere in life. Always remember that education comes first, so make the best out of your educational experience.