I would determine to read all my books and get my notes up to date, I would listen to teachers and use every available respources that is offered to me. In addition, I wouldn't develope a habit to manage my time well by doing my homework on time and involving myelf in educative activity which the school offers. I would strife to make good grades because I want to be admited in the best university and as well get a descent job. furthermore, I would call colleges or visist them during transfer day so as not to pay admission fees on every college I contacted and still ending up with one.
I would go to the liberians to seek for finanacial sources which I can use to pay my tuitions. I would also desire to early in classes, well dressed and ready to learn because hard work really pays back. Also, since I would depend on my parents to nature me through financing and encouragemnet while I am in college, I would do my best to please them so that they can have confident in me and know that I have great dreams and who will never refuse rebuke.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as an high school senior, I would tell myself to not to transfer to different schools. Don't buy books until you are really sure you are going to use them because it is a waste of money. After your freshmen year of college, try to get off campus housing so it will be easier to apply for in state tuition to avoid shelling out $10,000 more for tuition at an institution that is not worth it. Also freshmen year, party hard and do college activities you want to do because once you get into your major, its nothing but study hard. Get to know a lot of the administration on campus to make your experience more pleasurable especially when it comes to financial aid. Just enjoy those 4-5 years of college.
If I could go back in time, the advice I would give myself is, be prepared for a major changes. College is no joke in it is easy to slack off. Unlike high school, college is not mandatory so you have dedication if you want to make it through. Also there is a lot of work involved in college so be prepared to always have homework, test, and studying. Another thing is prioritize, not have your priorities in order can cause you to fall behind very quickly in college, u must stay on top of everything if you want to make it through college. Last but not least I would advice myself to take advantage of everything college has to offer, you don?t want to graduated from college wishing you would have done something?s different.
Go to the school of your choice, not based on financial means because you will regret it in the end
If i had the ability to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself how important it is to apply for schools and scholarships. I would also tell myself how my high school days are my best days and that is something I can not get back, so that is something i should enjoy while it last. Working to save up money for school would be a must. Lastly, i would tell myself to just be wise
If I could go back to my senior year in high school I wouldn't change anything because I felt like my senior year was my best year. I was on the principal honor roll the whole year. I was also the manager of Jr. Varsity football team, indoor and outdoor track. I was also the star player on the varsity girls badmiton team. I really wish I could go back to the beginning of my high school experience so I could do as good as I did my senior year.
Learn how to be more serious about education, and studying.
I would tell them to first and foremost to visit the school they want to attend. Visit all the school you've applied to and especially the ones you've selected. While at those school ask alot of questions and do not be shy to talk to students currently attending those schools while there. Once at school make the most out of it. Study hard, make alot of friends and be sure to have contact information on all of your professors. Become good friends with your roommate and work on becoming an adult.
My advice to a student seeking the right college for himself/herself is to find out what he/she wants from a college if they are going to fully use its resources. For example, if a student prefers to stay home and not experience the campus life right away, then maybe a community college may be what he/she needs, but they won't realize that if they don't know what they want. My advise to a parent with college bound children would be to make their children aware of what different colleges and universities have to offer early. This would allows a student to have plenty of time to choose which college would satisfy their need the best, and would also take a lot of anxiety off of the college selection process overall for students and parents alike.
I would tell them not to get stressed or worried about anything because there are programs at schools with counselors to help. I would also tell them to focus on the reason why they are there and they well succeed. Students will be successful if they choose a school with a campus that fits them, either big or small.