Coppin State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Coppin State University know before they start?


Out of my college experience, I have really matured. I realized there is no longer time for fun and games. I go to class during the day. And I attend my part time job in the evening. I see how it is to struggle in the world as balance homework and work throughout the school year. The struggle keeps me motivated to finish school in four years with a bachelors degree and find a career, not just a job.


Out of my college experience, I've discovered the rigors of college, and the determination I will need to pursue my dream of becoming a surgeon. So far, I have made strong friendships with people who share my dream, and they motivate me to further pursue my goals. I believe that i have grown as a person since beginning college, and am improving upon myself, as well as my schoolwork.


There are many things that I have received out of my college experience; however, the most important thing is that I can accomplish anything that I want. Furthermore, it taught me that I to be my own advocate for my education, and that if I want to succeed in life, there is only two people that I can depend on is my creator, and I. Also, it has shown me that if I want a better live for myself, and my family, it is solely my responsibility to go after my dream, and to achieve the goals for which I have set out for myself. Since I have been in college, I have learned that the only way that I can improve my situation, is by giving 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of myself, and Don’t quit when thing get hard, when they sometime will. But for the most part, college has taught me to persevering can get me over many hurdles.


Being in college has taught me who I am and why I am the way I am. When I am on campus I feel like there is good chance that I will have a great future. Coppin State is preparing for the professional world and to challenge it during its injustice and to enhance its beauty. It has helped me to accept the very things that society has told me to be ashamed of and turn my weakness into strength. Because of college Iam a better person and have wonderful opportunity that can take me anywhere in life. I have learned struggle, hard work, and determination can bless you into a person who appreciates what is most important in life and its important to have the knowledge to help someone to realize the same thing.


In the time since I have started college, I have met some new and interesting people. I have learned a lot in my studies so far in literature that I may otherwise not have read. I can see how college is important for that next step in, not just learning, but life. I have a new appreciation for education and love it. I just cannot wait to take it to the next step. The experience I have had so far I would not take back for the world. College is such a diverse place where you can see things from different points of views. I wish more people had a chance to have the learning experience I have had in so far, it would be a great benifit to the world. I plan on continuing my journey through education and to tell people the wonders of higher learning.


Before starting my college experience i was unsure and not really worried about my future. My life seemed to just be a boring depressed routine in witch i just worked and worked but still had no money and no direction. One of my friends reffered me to SJVC to come and get some information on a short career and it was then when my life took a step into a diferent direction. SJVC helped me realize that with out a career life would continue the same boring path and keep having a job rather than a career. I have leaned many things and developed goals and expectations for my self. Thanks to SJVC i am now wroking towards my A.S. degree in criminal justice and have a set goal for my life career.


My college experience has been amazing! I am in my second year of Dental Hygiene and I absolutley love what I do. I feel like I do more than just "clean teeth" because during my experience I have learned how to educate my patients not only on their oral health, but how their oral health affects their entire body. I couldn't imagine not attendind college. I know that I am on my way to providing for myself, and that is so important to me. I love Dental Hygiene, I love being on my way to becoming independant, and most of all I love that from doing all of this I will provide a better life for myself and my future family :)


I have gotten so much knowledge from the professors and fellow upper level students. The professors unconditionally give of themselves to the students by helping us understand the role of the nurse and how nursing involves more than just giving a needle or taking vital signs but it also involves being compassionate and acting as an advocate for the patient. I have also gotten a sense of belonging out of my college experience. I have met so many people who are attending nursing school with me who are giving and helpful and who encourage me to succeed and continue on my journey to acquire my BSN i Nursing and ultimately sit fo and pass the Board to acquire my RN licensure.


During my college experience I have mastered very good study skills, time management, and being academically focused. I also know that graduating from college on time is very important to me. I have also learned how to be a more social person to my peers around me. My college experience has been valuable to me because what I have learned during this college experience will be how I approach the professional world.


I have gotten so much from college that it is hard to summarize or choose. I have a great foundation for my course work of study, nursing. I have learned valuable skills in communication, positive inflection of myself and others and priortization skills. I have made great friends who are studying the same field. I've learned what my strengths and weakness are as a student and a person. That has made me to learn how to deal with others in various situations more effectively. By attending every class, it has made me a great influence on my children. They see that school is important to me and how I have to study and do homework. I think this makes them better students as well. Since I am paying for my education and this a degree that is important to me, it makes me work harder to make it happen. I don't take things for granted and try to improve myself with each class. I think that all of these things have made me a great student and a better parent.