chose a college u can afford
Make sure it has all the things you look for in a higher education institue (classes, class size, etc.)
Choosing the right college to attend is an extremelt important decision that teens and their parents have to make. The best advice I would give to parents and students would be to start this process as early as possible. Thinking of things that the student enjoys studying and learning about will speed up the process of finding what major suits them best. Then begin thinking of what types of criteria the student wants their college to meet, so they can determine which ones measure up to their standards. For example, if the student plyed football throughout high school and would like to continue playing in college, then a school that does not offer football would not be the best choice for them. Going to college is mostly about getting an education, but having a social life is just as important. So, going to a school that offers a variety of activities would give the student the best opportunity to have a good social life.
In conclusion, choosing the right college depends on the student, their personality type, and what career field interests them. Making the right decision takes time, and should be thought over thoroughly before choosing the right one.
The best advice that I would give parents and students about finding the right college is to research the college and the graduating statistics thoroughly. Make sure to visit the college campus before making a decision. Get some advice from the students who are currently enrolled in the college or unviersity, attend several workshops for prospective students. Also, talk to the chair person of the department of your intended major and/or minor to make sure it's meetss your desires and expectations. If the student decides to live on campus make sure to visit each and every dorm hall and inspect them thoroughly. Check out the student activities that are available for the student on campus. But most of all if it feels right then it is right. Dont chose a college because of the fraternaties or sororties or because your parents attended that college, then you will end up miserable or regretting your decision. Good luck!!!!!
I would say to really do your research on any school that you are interested in. You do not want to pay good money for a school and it is not all that you hoped it would be. So that is extremely important. I recomend that to parents and students.
investigate the program you're interested in and see what the campus has to offer.
The best advice for students and parents about choosing the right school is make sure you visit. Plan a visit during the actual school year on a regular school day. Talk to a counselor, sit in on a class, talk to the students I say this because; this is when things aren't being sugar coated for you. During freshmen orientation everything is planned and rehearsed, they show you the way things are supposed to run. If you attend on a normal day everyone is not on there best behavior and you can experience the true nature of a school, professors, and students. The way things are being ran on the day you visit are a reflection of how things are handled when you attend. The best advice for student on making the most of your college expereince is definetly surround yourself with positive and resourceful people. There is a saying " You are the company, you keep" and if you choose the wrong crowd and associate yourself with that type of environment you are labeled faster than you can blink. The parties and independence are what make college fun but remember you goals.
Advice I would give is think about how far you want to be from home, budget your money well, sign up for scholorships, grants, and loans. Also go visit the school before you say yes. Stay focused and do well and you will succed in life.
Any student interested in going to college needs to find a campus that fits their lifestyle. If you know your the type of person to party alot, go to a campus serious about school that has good parties and vice versa.
Focus on your career and have an idea of what you want to do