To Whom It May Concern
I hold my college education in great value because it gives me the opportunity to work with people, to problem solve difficult situations through the help of my peers and professors; I have also won the admiration of my peers, I am able to use the skills I have learnt so far to help others and the greatest accomplishment of all will be when I complete my college education coming up May 2011.
My college experience has provided opportunities for me that are not available without college education, such as my Health Information Management (HIM) degree program. It encourages me to think and ask questions and explore new ideas. It has also allowed me to gain additional growth and development which has provided an edge for me in the job market over those who have not experienced a college education.
I must be completely honest, school was not my priority before, I now know that knowledge is power; with education the sky is the limit for those of us that are in the minority.
Thank You,
Peggy Okubanjo
Being as though I only been in college for two month, I have gotten alot out of the college experience. For example, before I arrived in college I didn't think studying actually mattered. I didn't think that brainstorming , freewriting, or pre-writing could actually make writing a paper faster and easier. I have also gotten the fact that coming to school everyday is very very important. Also that college is not a joke once you miss one day you are completely lost, thats how fast the classes go. It has been valuable for me to attend college because of the knowlegde i have gained in the last two months. If i would have never attended college I would not know the important things i know now. Things like its not good to highlight books on the first reading because it can cause you to lose focus on what yoou are reading.
In college I've learned that it is nothing like high scool. There is n o one to wake me up and tellme to go to class, study for tests, and make me do my homework. College has made me a more responsible and more independent person. I've learned to take responsibilty for my faults. College has made me realize that there are so many options for a career. Since I've been in college I am now considering grad school, because with a lot of people taking the opportunity to go to college, a bachelors degree will soon be equivalent to a high school diploma. I love college and I will take advantage of this opportunity and try to go as far as possible!
I have gained some much knowledge during my time at Coppin State University. My college experiences are not what expected. I had a chance to meet people from many different places such as Africa, Barbados, Europe, and many more. I would have never guess that I would come in contact with people from around the world. This opportunity gave me the chance to integrate and jump out of my comfort zone of what I am used to. It also gave me a chance to learn about different cultures that I never knew exsisted. I am a social butterfly, I love meeting new people; thus far I think that has been the most valuable besides education. I also realized that many of my Professors share a lot in common although were from another race or nationality. I think that is exciting; I love Coppin State University for its diversity although there isn't that many but it is quite a few. IFrom my college experience I learned that knowledge and education is the KEY to success and I will never forget it because Coppin does a good job of letting its students know that.
I have gotten out of college experience is that it can be fun but also alot of work and hard work. College is valuable for me to attend because i want to be able to better my life and get a degree and be able be successful. I want to be able to have somthing to love to do and not have to worry about having to work i want to go to work and love working. College is very important for me in my life because of the thing that i have wen t through and thing people have told me of what i can and cannot do. Growing up was very hard for as i lost my parents at a young age and never really knew them and i want to make them proud of me. I believe by me going to college and pursueing my dreams i will be able to make them very happy
I've learnt to appreciate the little things I tend to take for granted more. I've made life long friends, and I know that the experience has made me into a better person. I'm grateful and thankful to God for it.
College gave me a sense of independence . I learned more about myself in those two years than I had in my whole life! My experience in college has been absolutely invaluable and the things I learned extended through the walls of the institution. I am greatly looking forward to going back to college so I can learn even more and extend my horizons even further.
Through my college experience I have learned to live independently. I have learned to handle my own problems without having to call my parents and ask for advice everytime. I have also learned that it is beneficial to budget your money while in college. You can't spend all of your money on things you want, now it's about things you need. Looking for scholarships and grants is also a very important part of the experience because when you graduate you want to be in as little debt as possible. It is very valuable to attend college; it teaches you independence, maturity and introduce you to real world problems. Problems that you would not be able to experience under your parents supervision.
In my college experince, I have joined many clubs that I never did before. For example, the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. This is a very prestigiuos honor society in the United States and being a part of it, and serve as an officer, is really a very outstanding experience. This society allowed me to practice my leadership skills and to meet amazing people. I learned a lot from it, not only academically, but being responsible citizen of the community. We have participated in many activities inside the school, fundraising work, and volunteer work. This made my college experience complete. Being a college student is very rewarding, not only because I am learning the things that I need for my future life, but also I am learning from the various experiences from my college. Inside the classroom, I have also met many people that are there to pursue their dreams and recorgnizes the importance of education. Besides from my parents, these people also gave me inspiration to continue studying. All of the things I learned inside and outside the classroom will surely helped me in my life.
I would advise myself that school work comes first, play later! College is not like high school. College is paid, and high school is free. Therefore, money should not be wasted when in college. Good grades actually pay off at the end.