Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


The rules concerning majors. For example, there is this silly rule that to be a theatre major you have to get a b- in this lecture class that is boring, and has almost nothing to do with theatre. If you don't get the b-, you get kicked out. This really sucks because the BFA program is prestigious. About 2,000 students auditioned for the acting program, and they took six. I was one one of the six! But a semester later I got kicked out because I didn't get a b- in the lecture class.


The most frustrating thing about school is financial aid for out of state students. In state students have lower tuition along with help from bright futures and Florida pre paid and scholarships from the school. While, out of state students have to scrounge for financial age to help attempt to off set the price difference in tuition.


Undergrad classes taught by Graduate students with no passion for the topic or that have difficulty teaching and conveying the material.


Parking issues.


Rumor mill and campus politics


The way they issue football tickets to students-- it's different this year and extremely confusing.


The parknig situation is absolutely terrible!!! you have to get to campus nearly 2 hours before class to get a space!


The most frustrating thing about my school is that some people say they are open-minded, but that ends at the point where your opinion or view does not line up with theirs. Another frustrating thing is when it rains the painted crosswalks and brick sidewalks are very slippery, oh, there are too many silly statues.


Parking has been an issue in the past, but that is in the process of being remedied with new parking garages. I guess the most frustrating thing is the amount of work that we have to do for some classes. It seems like the credits you receive are unrepresentative of the work you have done, but that is specific to courses in the College of Music, not the whole university.


Too many students. Needs more space and buses.