Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


The most frustrating part of FSU is probably the fact that there is so much to do and you want to go out and do everything but you cannot because there is so much work to do.


The weather is very random, it could be hot in the morning and then cold in the afternoon. It rains a lot in Tallahassee, making the walk to class a little bit uncomfortable.


The most frustrating thing about FSU is the residence hall that I am currently living in. I live in Kellum hall, which has been here for many generations. I feel like I am getting robbed of my money by living here because it is very expensive and things are old and constantly break. For instance, the air has to be as cold as possible at all times or else the room will start to mold. If I am paying an arm and a leg to live here, I should be able to control my air temperature!


The food! I guess I just miss the food from home, but the meal plan is both expensive and not healthy.


The most frustrating thing about Florida State is their bus system. Since the fee is included in your yearly tuition the students see the bus as being "free" so everybody rides it. This makes the buses very congested, with people falling over on each other because all of the twists and turns and the hills. Also, the bus takes forever to get to each stop! I was late to a class once because I waited half an hour for the bus, I might as well have walked to class.


The most frustrating thing about my school I would say is that there are a lot of students and sometimes when it comes to registration it is hard to get the classes and times you want in order to fit your schedule because there are just so many people that want and need the same times.


In my opinion, the most frustrating thing about my school is the small list of department majors they have to offer. I know this from personal experience, as I am pursuing a degree in Atmospheric Sciences/Meteorology. However, because my major is not offered at my school, I am currently enrolled as a Physics major. It is inconvenient and frustrating because my school is very affordable, but because of the path I've chosen, I have to transfer to an out of state college that will be difficult to afford.


Not knowing where to go for help with specific problems because some people try to help but do not really know what is going on.


There is only ONE bad thing about Florida State University and that is the parking situation. I am new to town and the second day of school I arrived two hours prior to class. I thought surely that was enough time to look for a parking spot and get to class. Little did I know, I would have to circle at least 3 parking garages for two hours and still not know where to go. When I have a noon time class, I get to school around 8 just so I can find a parking spot. It is so frustrating!


The cost is the most frustrating thing at Florida State University. It seems as though, regardless of the amount I receive through scholarships and grants, the tuition and housing prices are always rising, causing those aids to be just barely enough. Every year I fret that I will not be able to pay tuition. Luckily I put in the extra work to avoid that possibility.