Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


Nothing so far.


Being a very traditional school, they were not very transparent about future plans. When I began attendance I was a Vocal Performance Major intending on a degree in Vocal Jazz, but what I didn't know is that they fired the Vocal Jazz instructor and planned on discontinuing that major. I also did not know that it was expected of all Marketing majors to start working in Sales, which I hate. If I knew these things up front I think I would have decided on a different path. A path that is closer to what I am pursuing today.


The most frustrating thing about Florida State University is that fast food restaurants close early.


Long waiting periods for Financial Aid adjustments and allowance of only 14 days without attendance before Financial Aid is returned


I love practically every aspect of this university. However, there are little disturbances about life on campus that disturb me. For one, there are more times than I can count that I have almost gotten hit by a bicycler or skateboader. Also, the dinning halls don't open until 10:30am on weekends. Everyone doesn't sleep in and they need to account for that. But these are just small scale daily experiences that don't affect my learning so I can easily deal with the inconvience.


I have so much pride in my school that not many things frustrate me. The only thing would be that its so far away from my home. I love walking through campus every day and all of the faculty and staff are extremely welcoming and helpful. I love my classes and am maintaining A's in them so far. I have no complaints!


The most frustrating thing about FSU is probably the wifi.


The most frustrating thing about Florida State University would have to be the lack of parking spaces on campus. Trying to park and get to your classes on time is a daily struggle!


Little extra funding for social sciences.


Students dont care about studies just party.