Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


Currently, there is a lot of construction on campus.


The most frustrating thing about my school, and many schools in general are the unclear requirements necessary to reach goals and obtain a degree. It is sometimes a frusterating process to determine what a student needs to do and what classes need to be taken to meet university requirements a given degree.


Classes, Financial Aid


parking at main fsu campus


The most frustrating thing about my school is the cost of tuition while it isn't the most expensive, it isn't the cheapest either. It is not very easy to get a job, work enough to pay for school, while keeping up good grades. That is why I'm appling for this scholarship.


Financial Aid.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that sometimes a student can feel so little compared to the number of people enrolled. If a student isn't involved in any organizations, it is easy to just get lost in the crowd.


Honestly, I love FSU. There are a few things that are slightly frustrating though. There is very limited on campus, and even off campus parking. Also, there are certainly not enough dorms to hous ethe students. Other than those two miniscule things, it is AWESOME!


the vastness of the campus


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the shuttles do not always show up on time and are usually full when they are late.