Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


The most frustrating thing would probably be the large class size and lack of individual attention from the teachers. Undergraduate classes are typically very large, so it is understandable that teachers cannot devote time directly to each student often. There are, however, tutoring and learning centers that are able to help. Without these, it would be easy for a student to be "lost in the mix" of so many diverse and different students. The class size is something that forces every student to adjust.


The most frustrating thing about FSU is probably only that I never know if the professor will be a good or bad one.


The most frustrating thing about FSU are the many opportunities to... go out and party nearly every single night. Also, I do not believe that our tuition money is being spent appropriately. We get less Bright Futures money with increased tuition and FSU is building Starbucks in libraries and installing 60 inch HD TVs out at the Intramural Fields. I do not want to pay for these luxuries, just my education.


I have not yet experienced anything frustrating.


The most frustrating thing about attending Florida State University is there are limited job and internship positions available for my major, especially as I lack reliable transportation off campus. I wish there were more resources for first year students to work on or off campus without a federal work study.


Parking for commuter students is atrocious between 10 and 3 monday to friday.


That it is so big. Most students will get lost trying to figure out where a building is or where to park close to their class. If you are not in shape the campus will make you lose 15 or 20 lbs if you arent careful. There are a lot of hills and some are not so much fun. The traffic patterns on the campus are always changing.


I have loved every single moment of being here at Florida State University and there really is not much to complain about while one obtains a higher education. The one frustrating thing on campus is the condition of some of the dorms. The dorms on the east side of campus feature large rooms, cleaner facilities, and easier access to dining halls. The dorms on the west side are cramped, poorly taken care of, and are of a much more fragile state than many other dormitories on campus.


The most frusterting thing about my school is the disorganization . The parking is also a huge problem, but the school refuses to make parking more open. They also have raised tuition prices.


As a business major I find that the most frustrating thing about FSU is the stigma that most business corporations have over a graduate from FSU. Many prestigious firms hire from schools in the North East and Ivy League schools and it is difficult for me to find an internship and subsequently a job later in the future. This only means that I have to work harder in order to be noticed by such businesses and so that is what I must face.