Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


There isn't really anything that I find frustrating about FSU. I am happy with the dorms, the classes, the campus, and even the food. Everything I need that is not on campus is very close and there is transportation provided.


Parking in the late morning/early afternoon.


The most frustrating thing about this school is by far the parking situation. During the week days, parking on campus is nearly impossible unless you get here extremely early or are lucky. That was one of the reasons I decided to get an apartment that was in walking distance of campus.


I feel the most frustrating thing is the lack of available jobs on campus. They are at such a high demand, often wanting students who have had experience in a particular area such as food service or cashier experience. As most of my work experience has been with children, it puts me at a loss in the competition for the scarce amount of jobs available.


Library was very difficult to use.


It is diffucult to get classes from different departments. Since I hope to be a medical illustrator, I need both art and science classes but the departments are difficult to bridge.


Registering for classes and parking is often frustrating.


Finding parking can become exceedingly difficult.


Class size is very large and some of the professors are more focused on their research than they are on the classes they teach.


Tallahassee is a very hilly place. It took some getting used to after coming from Orlando. Also, there aren't that many roads that get you where you need or want to go, so it's faster to walk places.