Florida State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Florida State University?


Many people involved in Greek Life think that's the best way to be and if you aren't involved in Greek Life you're not as good as them. I have a great group of friends I met in high school and college and don't feel the need to be in a sorority or date someone in a fraternity to feel like I'm as good as people in Greek orginizations.


The cost and how hard it is to get to and from.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the grading system. For example, I don't think it's fair that an A- be worth less than an A; an A is an A.


I have no complaints other than the fact that my school like every school has problems from time to time with violence pertaining to robberies.


The most frustrating thing about Florida State is the cafeteria and staff. Every time I enter the cafeteria, I feel that I'm not wanted. The cafeteria workers are very short and rude with the students. They seem to be annoyed all the time, and they make it extremely clear that they don't want to be there. They curse and are always arguing with one another, I have spoken to the management about this, but nothing has changed.


The most frustrating thing is finding parking on campus.


I've found many of the students up there to be rude and not very open to accepting others all the time. I come from South Florida where it is very liberal, and I'm finding more closed-minded behaviors in Tallahassee, even among students. The staff, too, is not always very helpful when you need something.


The bus service is so slow at my school and with such a big campus it is a major pain to walk all the way across campus for your classes. Plus we do not have special buses that take students without cars to places like the mall or the grocery store so unless you want to walk or find someone willing to drive you you are stuck on campus paying way way to much for a gallon of milk.


The lack of individual attention is the most frustrating thing about my school.


Finals week.