Iowa State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Iowa State University? Why?


I am and out of state student and It is almost impossible to get a scholarship to pay for this school


I feel that there is no bad things about the school,only average to really good. The only thing would be the harsh winter which there isn't anything which can be done.


The worst thing about my school is that it is two and a half hours away from my husband and my family.


The worst thing about my school would have to be the weather! In the summer months you get the real heat and in the winter u get the real feet (snow!)


When my parents went to Iowa State Ames was a lively place but over the years it has definitely digressed to just another small town in Iowa. As well as the fact it is in Iowa and since I am attending college in state I feel like I haven't seen as much of the world as I would have hoped to have seen by 19 years old.


The worst thing about my school is that it is far away from my hometown, so I am unable to visit as frequently as I want.


Although I enjoy so many things about Iowa State, the one thing that I would change if I could was the amount of money that design students pay compared to engineering majors. Engineering is a really good prgram at Iowa State, so all of the computer programs and most of the supplies are paid for by the college. I do understand why this is, because they have a good department with a lot of students that work very hard for their education. The design program is just the same, except the fact that they pay for all their prgorams.


The worst thing about ISU is the professors. They aren't very helpful and a good amount of them don't speak good english.


For me it is the expectations for Design Students. Often students in the college of design are required to work much longer hours than many other majors. It is not uncommon to work 15 hour days in the college of design. This fact makes it very difficult to hold a job outside of classes which only makes the finacial standing that much more difficult.


Inavailability to be registered in some classes.