If I had the opportunity to give parents and students advice, I would start by telling parents to let the child make the decision for which college they attend themselves because you can not live this life for them, nor can you attend the college. This is a stepping stone for them to be an adult. Also parents just be encouraging to them it reallyhelps them get through the tough times in college. I know from personal experience it really helps, just knowing my mom was in my corner made me want to try harder. For students, I would basically tell you know your purpose for coming to college before you go, becuase the moment yuo forget you will ending up doing stuff you never thought you would. Set standards and tell yourself you will not settle for less. This is all I have be encouraged!!!! College is what you make it!!!!!!
Make sure you allow the yourself to explore your options and see what school will best help you achieve academic success.
Parents should never force their child to attend a university of the parents choice. College can be a difficult time and overwhelming for some students. Im not saying that college should be easy but a student should be comfortable with the decision made for college. Always encourage students to do thier very best, never give up, and dont stress one's self out if school work becomes overwhelming. Lastly, remember to have fun while making good grades and decisions throughout college and learn positive acts froms others, even if negative be optimistic and make it positive.
The most important advice I can give is to find a school that fits your needs and not just a school that all your friends or family went to. Fitting your needs means that the school offers your intended major, meets your size requirements, and distance/location reqiurements, etc. Although fitting your needs is vital, it is also important that you realize that no school is going to be completely perfect. This means that you have to be willing to compromise (especially when it comes to having a roommate) and adjust to the new lifestlyle and environment. It also very important not to lose sight of your purpose of going to college. This basically means not to put your social life before you academics. One other important piece of advice is to always ask questions when you do not understand. If you have difficulty in a particular subject, don't be afraid to ask for help or get a tutor. In the end you are the going to be the one who benefits from getting help or the one who suffers if you keep quiet. I am confident that if you take this advice you will succeed!
Make sure you want to be in school first and formost, then pick the school that you feel that you fit into as if you were at home!
Find a college that fits the needs of the students. Stay away from college recruiters and closer to professors and students. always tour the campus for more than one day. Go early scout the campus on your own without the tour group, then with a guide. Any Student activites that interest , participate in
Advice I have for parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to find something the student likes. A college that meets their career needs and their best interst. To the parent be aware of where your child wants to go and its not all about your feelings and your choice. The students have a great opportunity to choose what environment they want to work in. The right college is what you make of it while your there.Just making sure you research everything about the schools before you apply is the best thing to do.
Look around and check out the activities and clubs, where ever you go you want to make sure its where you want to be. As they say college is the best 4 years of your life!