University of Maryland Eastern Shore Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland Eastern Shore know before they start?


It is nice to all student who wants learn


I would suggest myself to concentrate in ALL of my classes and to try my best not to slack off. Grades are extremely important in college, especially since I have to pay so much for it. Also, I would let myself know that I'd get caught up in dating with different guys at once. I cannot let them stress me out, because I'm going to college for an education first, then focusing on my social life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell my "past self" to study from the beginning and make much better grades, in which I know I could have done if I studied harder. Also to make sure I talk to the right people on what classes to take and ask a lot of questions on what the requirements of my major is before I decide to pursue that major.


If I could go back and change anything about my high school senior year it would just be to tell my self to pay attention more and learn how to focus better. In college it is so easy to get off track and lose focus in something because of all the activities and events that may be held on campus. Its so easy to flunck out because you lose focus.


Hey Shameka, This may sound a little weird, but I am you. A more educated you, because I'm in college now. That is why I am writing you this letter. You should apply for all of the scholarships that you are available to receive. Yes, I know you are not the best at writing essays, but you have all the help you need at school. Your english teacher will be glad to revise your essays for you. Also, it only takes about two hours to write an essay. Think about it, your getting paid about 500 dollars or more for each essay you write. 250 dollars an hour basically. That is so much better than working at McDonalds receiving $7.25 and hour! I know that you might not get the money, but if you don't try then you surely won't recieve the money. Take a chance; just like how you went out for the dance team. You thought you wasn't going to make it, but you did and you was in the top five. So just sit down and write the essay, your only gaining from the experience. Sincerely, College Educate Shameka Harvey


Dear High School Self, Get ready for the time of your life. You are about to start a crazy adventure. A lot of new friends and unique people are about to enter your life. Be sure to be open to new ideas, but do not forget your true self. It will be challenging at first trying to balance your new freedom and social life with your classes and coursework. Do not be discouraged if you change your major (even multiple times). This is the time to explore and it is perfectly okay if you aren't exactly sure what you want to do with your life. Keep a positive outlook and be sure to call home every now and then. Be sure to stay involved in various organizations and activities. Always be appreciative and show gratitude for those who help you along the way. It will always do you well to remember that there is never a dumb question, it is the only way to learn. Your college years will fly by so enjoy every second of them. Good luck! Much Love, Your Future College Graduate Self


Aaron do not put all your eggs in one basket. Know that you are going to college to find yourself and your destiny. Do not think you have it all figured out, and it is ok not to. Use your first year to find out what subjects you really like. Read about what jobs are offered in the field you are interested in. If you end up not enjoying the major you came in with, it is ok. Actually that is great. When you change your mind you are making a step closer to finding what you like. So do not be afraid of change rather embrace it. Also, while you are here for academics do not barry yourself in it, have some hobbies that you engage in. That will help take the edge off the work load. Have some "you" time.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself, I would encourage myself to do as many internships as possible. Nowadays hands on experience is required in any field of study which makes the individual more competant and prepared at what he is doing. I would also tell my self to join many student organisations becausue they help you to develop your resume.


Stay focused! This is a critical moment in life where everything matters. I would say don't give up. During my freshman and sophmore year of high school I really didn't take it serious, but knowing what I know now I would have done a much better job. It wasn't until my junior year where I got my act together, 4.0 GPA. Education is important. There are a lot of people in this world who can't get an education, and I took it for granted. Now Im more focused than ever nothing can get in my way. Being focused is the most important part of college life because there will be many temptations that will cause you to stray. Knowing where to draw that line of handling your business and partying is critical. Don't let anyone or anything get in the way of getting that degree.


The advice I would give myself is to not procrastinate and always to handle any questions or concerns as soon as possible. Considering I was not supposed to attend UMES, but I would say I wish I would have made sure all of my paperwork was done and questions about college were actually answered.