I would tell my self to get better grades and to stay on top of my work. I would tell my self to submit college applications early and that think long and hard about what college to attend.
The first piece of advice I would give myself would be to bring everything you think you might need no matter how insignificant it might seem because it may end up being helpful to you in college. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to always give it your all at everything you do (I know that sounds cliche) especially in college since it is the final step of your academic career, then your off on your own. Also, another reason you should always try your best in college besides the obvious point that you want to do good, but because you also don't want to waste your's or your parent's money and time given to help get you to that point. So trying your best can never hurt you in college it will only help you, and when you suceed it will get you noticed and you may even be offered scholarships depending on how you do. My last bit of advice would be to just have fun, you don't want to be stuck up in your dorm room all day studying, you should go out and meet new people.
If I could go back in time and talk to high school senior self I would tell myself to be more focused in my school work and not be so lazy. I would tell myself not to take anything for granted that my teachers and coaches said to me and to cherish each word. I would tell myself this because almost everything that was said to me, has come to light as I am now a college student. All the hardwork that I took for granted is now being thrust my way at full speed. On the basketball court, my coach would tell that at the college level that you would have to work much harder and that the game would be much faster. I found that out the hard way when I attempted to tryout for my school's team. I would tell myself to do much more on the basketball court that a possible scholarship could have been given to you and that maybe you would have stood out more. If I was to tell myself these things I think that my college career would have been alot different from the way it is now for the better.
I would tell myself to work hard, a deadline is really a deadline, nothing is given to you and that if you fail to prepare you prepare to fail. As a high school student you get so many different chances to do the right thing, but once you get into college you are told a date and when that date comes you have to be ready to hand in you work. I would tell myself that i should make a plan set a goal and not let anybody or anything stop me from reaching my goal. College is what you make it, the people you hang around and your mind set is something that needs to be right before you enter college. You must be a leader you have to be strong enough to know right from wrong and say no to things that can bring you down. Most of all be prepared for anything that is put before you, analyze it and come up with the best way to handle it.
I would tell myself to save more because college books are very expensive. The money wasted on unimportant things could have went towards transportation andjust having pocket money to be able to do more. I would also tell myself to get into the habit of studying for exams before the day of the exam and to go to my teachers when confused more often. I would also tell myself to learn how to conserve everyday products because I might not be able to get to store so easily without having a car. The last thing I would tell myself is to learn how to have fun, but feel comfortable no matter what anyone around thinks.
Listen Stephanie, choosing a college is a huge decsion that you are going to make in your life so you want to make or try to make the perfect desicion. Knowing when you enter college to fighure out a study plan, studying is a part of life and in college you want to study to the best of your ability. Studying is the key entering college. Also, do your best into finding scholarships, college is not easy and you are going to need all of the scholarship money that you can possibly earn. While in college always do the best that you can and try your best not to procrasinate. Procrasination is a bad habit that you do not want to start, always strive fot the best and never give up.
I would tell myself to really learn how to manage time wisely. Make the right decisions and hang around the right people. Dont procrastinate and make sure your college that you chose is the one you truely want to go to. Finish all work ontime and make sure you speak with your professors in order to gaina personal relationship. Speak to your academic counselor regularly and always look for scholarships available. Develop good writing skills because there will be alot of papers you will have to write. Always make time for friends and have safe fun. Do not party too hard, do not drink or smoke because that can get you into alot of trouble. Spiritually connect with God because with out Him you wouldnt be there. Do not waste time, study and make it through in 4 years or less.
To take high school seriously and put forth your best effort. I would tell myself to take all of the AP courses that I possibly could. I would also tell myself to take some college courses while in school to get the feel of college life. To start my college and financial aid search a little sooner. I would try to set down and map out my total educatiional goals before I get started. To make sure and have a plan B.
If I could go back in time i would tell myself that when in duobt do what feels right and never just go with the flow. I would also say that everyone you will meet is not a friend but that doesn't mean that everyone is an enemy. And lastly have faith!
I would have told myself to be more prepared. I should have took college courses in high school to make my load a little lighter upon entering college. I would have also applied for more scholarships to help with my financial struggle. I would have told myself that procastination is not a option neither is failing. I would have took a SAT prep course in order to better my scores and give me a better chance of receiving a scholarship. All in all I ould have change somethings I did but I wouldn't have change coming to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.