University of Maryland Eastern Shore Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland Eastern Shore know before they start?


I have gotten a wonderful experience so far that most people do not have the privilege. It has been vauable to attend because in the future I want to become a special education teacher for high schools students. Without a college degree I wouldnt be able to pursue my dream in becoming a teacher becuase you must have teacher certification and degree. This opprotunity has been exceptional experience and I believe that everyone should have a college experience. I'm a very appreciative and would like to continue my education.


My college experience has taught me a lot about myself, and more about the world around me. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore offers a wide range of cultures and values to anyone who interacts within the campus. There are people from different countries all around the world. I have learned so much about other cultures, it has taught me a lot about myself and what is important to me. Growing up in a middle class family in a small town in the United States, people could describe me as smart, well rounded, and privileged. Attending classes and being taught by people from other countries has taught me patience, self discipline, and important things in life aren't always materialistic. It has also opened my eyes to be appreciative of every opportunity that I am presented with, as others are not as fortunate. I have always valued my family and friends, but to see others come from places where their religion, family, and education are some of the only things they believe in has allowed me to appreciate what I have in my life and the great opportunities that I have and the bright future that is ahead of me.


Currently I'm attending a 2 year community college and I live at home. I like academic settings and I dont mind college; but I desire so badly to move away from home and to truly experience college life. Where I'm at a community college many people in my class are alot older and in a different stage in life and it's hard to connect. I can't wait for the next stage in my academic careear, and that is to move and live on a campus.


So far I've gotten to learn how be a better person and manage my time. I'm learning to speak the medical language. I'm gotten to meet and befriend people that I wouldn't have gotten the chance to know. I know I'm on my way to getting into an ultrasound program. It's been valuable because I know soon I will be able to provide a better life for me and my children.


I've learned not to underestimate people and you really have to be on point every minute of the day. Time management os very important. Keep you friends close and your enenmies closer. Everybody you meet is not going to be your friend so don't get mad. Know who you are and be true to what you want to become. If you can't remember a lot of stuff, get a handy calendar. You will need it. In college you grow up. Students who attend college learn how to network better, and be on their own.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would firstly tell my self to take this seriously and be focused. All throughout my senior year i made mistakes and developed bad habits as in skipping class, and not doing homework which came back to haunt me as a freshman in college now because its very difficult for me to break these habits. Let alone my families finacial situation while i was a senior and now which also threw me of alot because we were constantly moving day to day. Secondly i would have told myself to take applying for scholarships , and doing the fafsa on time as my number one priority. if i would have set a goal and dilegently stayed on top of doing these things i feel like i would not be so deep in the hole now. These two things i stated have came to me in more ways then one as a test this semester and now im suffering the consequences. Through all of this i am learning and growing each day.


I f I could talk to myself when I was a high school senior I would say try to do better on your SAT's, take it seriously. I would say when you go to college don't get caught up in worrying about your mom being in Afghanistan, this will only add to your stress and will cause you not to care about you academic. Trust me your mom will make it back safely and once you realize that, your grades will turn around tremendously. On top of that do not get mixed up with friends and trying to take classes with them. Do not take morning classes if your not a morning person. And do not think a C is expectable, trust me A's and B's are what you want. Push hard and try to get honors, it will make your life easier. Oh and give David a chance, trust me he is the one. And you will go to Graduate school although I?m sure you don?t think so right now.


I would tell myself to be more serious about my academics and that they do affect what instituation I get into and therefore what path I follow and my future. I should have researched my first major choice more which was biomedical research so that I could have seen that was not the course I wanted to follow and therefore my grades would not have suffered. Otherwise, I feel high school prepared my rather well for the transition to college and I was able to fit into the mold of college student more readily. Although, I do wish I had developed better study habits so that I would have had my coursework underhand from the beginning rather than learning how to manage my time as the semester carried on.


High school is as important of a stepping stone into your educational and employment career as teachers and parents say it is. At the end of the school day besure to review what your teacher goes over in class and even read ahead in the text book. If given the oppertunity enroll in any classes that will allow you to expand your knowledge in your field of study or even in a subject that you are not as familiar with. The people that you attempt to assocciate yourself with or impress in high school are insignificant because they are not concerned about your future and whether or not you will get into your college of choice. Instead of worrying about going out each night or being the life of the party, make sure that you have gotten all necessary work done to ensure that you are on the right track to being the best that you can be at what you want to do. Setting goals to acheive before graduation or throughout the school year is a great way to prove to your self that you can accomplish tasks and will ensure confidence for when you attent college.


My senior year I dual-enrolled at the local community college, to enable an easier transition at graduation. Looking back I only wish that I would have applied for more scholarships so that I could have pursued my original dream at Drexel University of becoming an interior designer. My lack of disipline and caring about such things as money has caused me to change my dream to a better-paying position as an electrical engineer. Hopefully my late start will not inhibit me from realizing my future goals. I also would have told myself not to procrastinate because unlike highschool, college professors don't care whether or not you "left your homework in your car," all they care about is its presence in their hand. If I had had that knowledge before my GPA may have been the 4.0 that it once was.