University of Maryland Eastern Shore Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland Eastern Shore know before they start?


I would have advice myself to go to college straight out of high school. Instead of going in the workforce, because without and education i worked hard for half of the pay. Also i would have told myself to enjoy high school becuase college is 10 times harder then high school. But most of all i would have told myself without an education in todays society i wouldn't be able to make it. In conclusion, i would have told myself not to believe that statement "it's not what you know, it's who you know" because i have met thousands of people through-out my life and i'm still no further ahead then i was yesterday.


Dear me, Please do not get caught in the wrong crowd because those same people who you are getting in trouble with is not helping you pass high school. Listen to your mother when she beats you to death trying to explain to you how important your grades are. Colleges only want the best grades, grade point average, and SAT scores. You do not want to go through the emotional state of being rejected from the colleges that you really want to go to. Everyone should be able to go to the school of their dreams, but it takes hard work. Theres no time for playing around. Your future is at stake and you don't want to end up being a failure! Don't you want to one day be very wealthy, and live a better life then how you grew up? Dont you want your mother to be proud of you? It is so hard to get a job these days because unemployment is steadily decreasing. Instead of being one of those out of work; get a degree and have the best grades in order for someone to want you to be apart of their company. E.S


Well am a honor student and I learn alot with the experience this school got and to further my education with umes.


Going to college is something that I’d always known I had to do in order to make my dreams a reality. I felt post secondary education would just be another time consuming part of my life. But once I began attending the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, I quickly saw how vital college is. Though I may not have many years invested in schooling, as I strive toward my bachelor’s degree, I have strengthened leadership skills as well as my communication skills both written and verbally. While at school I work with people from all denominations and ethnicities, resulting in me becoming more diverse and eclectic. Attending college is such a valuable experience because it has given my life a since of direction. My personal object is to one day utilize my knowledge in Criminal Justice to aid, counsel and assist youth in successful members of society. As long as I work hard and strive for my goals, hopefully college will help me unlock the key to destiny.


As an alum of University of Maryland Eastern Shore, I have gained a great sense of affirmation for my position in the human services professional sector. UMES provided me with a great foundation to launch into a career in the human services field. I am now able to understand my place professionally because this school shaped my niche. It was here that I was able to tap into the inner most desires of my heart and seek out opportunities to embrace what I now know is my destiny. Here at UMES, I was able to develop a network to tap into after graduation. I receieved great academic advising, coachinrg and counseling. The professors in my program, poured into me and encouraged me to pursue great endeavors in the field. My experience at UMES, has helped me to cross many lines of the fear of the unknown. I credit my experience here for much of the success I have today, and I am most confident in my choice to pursue a Bachelor's of Science in Criminal Justice. Today, I am a visionary, constantly pursuing a vision that UMES imparted within me, that vision is to reproduce after my own kind.


In my four years attending The University of Maryland eastern Shore I have gained a big responsibility. When I started attending Eastern Shore I was leaning strongly toward Accounting as I started and making friends I felt as though people would always surround me with problems and I would always be there to give very good advice. As I changed my major to Sociology and taking different courses in that field I started to realize that dealing with people all over is my gift. I can honestly say that being at The University of Maryland Eastern Shore I can successfully write a strong yet persuasive 15 to 20 page paper with no problem. I really believe that I haven’t learned anything in undergrad I did gain understanding for people and their feelings and also the fundamentals of putting together a research paper of what I enjoy and that is help my society.


After graduating form college, I plan to further my career in the medical feild. With Biology Pre-medicine being my major, it will be very helpful to society. My courage to giving back to ones who needs it most is important. I was raised in a hould hold who taught me that. I do not have all of the education or experience to be placed in a emergency room now. Therefore, I must work extremely hard and gain all of the knowledge i can to be the best doctor. My parents were not able to further their education, so i do this to make them proud. I attend college to shower them with many blessings they have installed in me.


College has taught me many new things not only about others but also about myself. I attend a culturally diverse university that has taught me many different things and has changed my outlook on life completely. I love it here and I love attending a school where there are all different races, religions, and interests. The college experience has also taught me to find myself. Attending a college 1000 miles from home has lead me to independence and determination. Before coming to college I relied solely on my parents. Now that I have lived alone for two years I have learned how to manage money, time, stress, and social life. Not only has college taught me about life, but it has also educated me to a great degree. I am only two semesters from earning a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice and college has motivated me to further my education. I look forward to graduating and continuing on to graduate school and eventually on to earn my Doctorate.


I am entering college as a 26 year old freshman to support my family. I want to further my education and earn a degree to make a better life for us, and to show my children that education is important, and it can be done. I am a stay-at-home mother right now, and once my children go into school, I'd like to have a career to go into.


The importance of education in everyday life is what college has taught me. The only way to succeed in life is through education, which is why I attend college at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore