If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that college is harder than you think. I would advise myself to change my study habits because it is central to know everything that your teacher tells you. I would tell myself to buy a voice recorder and learn to write down important facts on what the teacher is saying in order to get ready for college. I would advise myself to become mentally prepared for the work being thrown all at once. I would tell myself it will only get harder and you will have to be determined, focused and able to finish the semester strong. I would advise myself to start highlighting keep points in the chapters for each class, in order to get used to doing it for college. I would tell myself that doing this will help considerably, especially when you need to go back in the book to find answers. I would advise myself to write down goals that I would want to achieve in a limited period of time. I would tell myself that doing this will keep you motivated on doing your school work.
I would tell myself to stop playing around. That even though this is my last year I need to buckle down and manage my time and money therefore I can prepare myself for what is to come.I would tell myself that the fun that I want to have will come later. And by later I mean after I graduate Medical School.
If I went back in time and talked to myself as a high school senior I would sit myself down and make a list of why I am in college.
Next, I would tell myself not to get distracted by all the campus parties and stay focus on why I am there (the list). There are temptations of college life that will hinder me from getting where I need to be such as attending too many parties (on or off campus), peer pressures, and drugs that would deter me from studying and reaching my goal. So, I would tell myself to stay strong, study and focused on why I am in college. Don?t let anything or anybody create a stumbling block from me reaching my passion, dream, me.
If I was able to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to worry about what school I would get into because it is not all that important. I would also tell myself to not get wrapped up in the friends that you make in order to keep the scholarship that you recieved. Your education is much more inportant than friends, but it also important to establish good friendships with people that can help you when you need it. College can be fun so try not to be to wrapped up in social activities that can hurt your education as well as yourself, physically and mentally. The last thing I would tell myself is that no matter what happens you will always have family to stand behind you.
If i could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, then i would tell myself to prepare well. The summer before entering college and your senior year is the best time to make the change from a high school student to a college student. i would tell myself that its time to be independent because college professors wont babysit you nor will they check up on you to see if you did your work. I would also say to myself that it would be wise to read college level novels to prepared for the difficulty of college level work. Senior year its time to gear up because that is when the real work and real life starts.
The advice I would give myself if I were a high school senior is never lose focus. Sometimes I think I lost focus on things, which is partially the reason why I'm not graduating on time. I would tell myself never to let any distractions to get in my way because that will cause you to lose focus on alot. Last but not least, If you keep your graduation date in your mind all the time, maybe post it somewhere where you can see it everyday, you will do your best to succeed to that date.
I would tell myself to pay attention to even the most minute details and to study as much as possible.I would make it a priority to excel not just and unreachable dream.I would be more active in class and outgoing.I would have done the process of picking a college with more care.I would closely look for all the attributes I need in a college.I would do much differently.I would have spent more time looking for the financial resources needed to maintain the costs acquired while studying at an institution.
I would definitfly say stay focus. Know what you ae going to school for and stick to it. Also work yur bu off when it comes to finicial aid. Because while ur in college it could be one of the brokest time of you life, but just always think that your education will pay offat the end.
My advice that I would give to myself would be to prepare better for the SAT's and to work better on my study habits. Also to get a job because college is very expensive. I am now realizing just how expensive it is, with all of these loans I will spending my whole life repaying them. So those are the main advices I would give myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself.
The advice I would give myself is to stay strong. Being a strong willed person will help with the workload, the disagreements with the roommate's and the pressure from peers. Staying strong as the workload and list of to do's increases is necessary. It is way too easy to procrastinate but if you stay strong and remember the goal of obtaining a degree then you will succeed. Staying strong is also necessary if you do not have the luxury of having a single room. Staying strong not only means putting petty disagreements to the side in order to avoid an argument, but also means speaking up in the event that the roommate's behavior is distracting you from having peace in your room. It is also necessary to stay strong in the company of your peers. The pressure to look as good, party as hard and perform as well as your peers is what can either make a student or break a student. Staying strong is important when you're under pressure because the easiest thing to do is cave in and lose your personal morals. Therefore, the advice I would give myself is to stay strong!