Take advanced placement courses and or do dual enrollment at a community college. Take the VPA program instead of orchestra so you can have a good portfolio and more experience in the traditional arts to get into a art school! SEARCH FOR SCHOLARSHIPS LIKE CRAZY AND APPLY ASAP! For God's sake take the SAT/ACT again and study your buns off 2x as hard! Take that precalc class no matter what so you can pass college matht he first time. Get a better sleeping pattern and stop procrastinating. Oh and go get your general studies classes at worwic/another community college. Rent books don't buy unless you'll use them int he future! Art supplies are hella expensive so look for deals!!! And no matter what you do DON'T come home when mom begs you after your first year you'll end up stuck in college for an extra semester cause of tranferring!!! If you do end up at UMES enjoy it the people you meet are worth it, just don't slack off in the SSC and get aggy!
Look at other schools before setting your heart on just this one. There are probably other schools that offer your program.
The advice that I would give to myself is to attend the local community college and start from there. I have put my family into a financial situation and it makes me feel guilty being a full time student. As a freshman in college there will be alot of distractions but, ignore them and proceed to due your best. While your in college make a ton of friends and don't be scared. Alot of the freshman are just like you and they are timid. Be the best that you can be, study hard to earn good grades, and always keep contact with your best friends from high school.
Honestly if I had the choice to go back in time and talk to myself I would not go. From being in college I have learned that regardless of if you want them to or not oppurtunities come and go, and that is beyond anyones control. With that in mind I never look back on missed oppurtunities because that will never help me with my future. I have learned to live life with no regrets because you can not move forward in life if you are constantly looking back. I would rather skip to the future to see myself succeeding because I truly feel that if I continue to live my life with an open mind, a never settle for less attitude , and no regrets there is no telling how far I can go.
Get the best grade as possible
The first thing I will tell myself is to pay attention in Math and Biology classes. I never realized until returning to college just how important those two subject would be to accomplishing my goals.
Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would advise myself enroll as a rehabilitation student from the beginning, rather than a biology major. I would've saved a lot of time and headache, but I' getting myself together and I will be successful.
If I had an opportunity to talk to myself as a highschool senior with the information I now know, I would simply tell myself to have my financial situation squared away. The number one reason for this is as I get closer to graduation, I am beginning to feel the stress of figuring out how I will pay not only the institution back for debts owed but the government as well. While enrolled at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore I have had the opportunity to work in the Financial Aid Office and here I gained much knowledge that would have helped me decide which methods I would use to pay for school. For instance, understanding that unsubsidized loans are the type that accrue interest while I am in school is something that I would have considered heavily--whether it was to stray away from those types or methods to pay while in school. My highschool self would definitely appreciate this knowledge and having financial worries now, in my senior year, would not be an issue.
In this last school year put all of you because your studies are your future and a little sacrifice in the end pays well. Your future is your education and dedication that you give, give your best in the future to get the best results, have a good job and one that you like, and to live at home with your accomplishments and your luxuries. No matter what it takes, studies have no price limit. Focus on what you want the rest comes with time.
Just to keep pushing myself. Never give up, always go for what I want. Dreams do come true, you just have to chase your dreams.