University of Maryland Eastern Shore Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland Eastern Shore know before they start?


If I could go back to when I started highschool I would tell myself to just be myself. Though it seems like such an obvious statement, you will be suprised at how much you allow others to change you. It may seem like you need to fit in and be the same as everyone else, highschool is such a small part of your life that you shouldn't worry about what others think. And that while it seems like everyone else in highschool has thing figured out, everyone around you is trying to find their place too. It is only when you allow your own personality to shine through and don't compromise your morals for others that you find yourself truly happy. Also, remember that each person is trying to find out who they are and is facing their own struggles. Therefore, like they taught you back in the daycare days treat others the way you want to be treated, with respect.


Being young we are capable of making many mistakes. If I could go back in time the first thing I would advise myself to do is to focus on what is important and forget the un-important. College is not as difficult as it is made to be and if you stay focused and work, with God on your side, will succeed. Being young I would become more concerned about things that would eventually work themselves out as time went by. Being older and more mature I can truly say I would also tell myself to forget about the pask and keep my mind on God , future and not be afarid to mature. There were people around me when I was younger that really never served a good purpose, but more of a distration, towards my future or self enrichment. Now wiser I would of definately cut all of those connections. Forfetting about the past woul also be a definite word of advice since going through high school was not such a great experience for me. Only if I knew how musch more there was to life after High school.


If i could go back in time, i would tell my highschool self to take more time and research colleges and majors. I would definitley tell myself to get prepared to transition between friends because they come and go, the main thing i would tell myself is to focus hard on my course curriculm as a freshman because that marks the base of your classes for the rest of the semester. I would want my senior self to be excited about college but also cautious that everyone doesnt have good intentions and priorities that i have. I would give myself advice on how to network and how to be more hands on with my major and get to know myself more before getting to know others. I would make sure my senior self had all the necessities as far as dorm life. I would definitly tell myself to keep my grades in order because your financial aid depends on and to apply for more scholarships because they help alot.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself my high school senior year knowing what i know now about college life and making the transition my advice to myself would be. First I would tell myself to use my time more wiser. I would of spent more time trying to get in honor classes and on the honor roll. I wuld of started out filling out my scholarships applications in my freeshmen year instead of waiting until my senior year. Then I would of joined some clubs to enhance my chances of getting into the college that I wanted to attend. I would of joined the key club, math club, spanish club, and FFA instead of playing sports. Last but not least I would of saved up my money that I made working while I was in school instead of spending it on things that I now realized was not that important. Wow, if I could truly go back I would of done things alot different.


The only succesful path is stride through college or university. Try to find a passionate career not something that pays a lot. Going to college is worth it you will find out at the end how easy it was. Dont quit or stop keep moving forward.Apply for a lot of scholorships cause their will be trouble in life and opsticles you will go through and you will need money. I did the mistake of not applying for scholorships and having to work little jobs just to save up and put gas and look for a steady job just to have money to pay for college. Life is very hard and I had no idea reality was like this till it hit me. I have no parents i have to support myself .I am lucky i have a place to live at least. I did everything for school saved all that little money just to pay for my classes and books it was expensive but i will have a career at the end of this and keep moving foward in my studying. Scholorships are easy money all you have to do is apply for it.


To apply for scholarships when I had the chance because college dosen't come free. Also i would have started study habits before cause when your in college it is important to study if you want to acheive good grades and be awarded. College is like being on your own and the sooner you learn it the better, nobody is gonna be there to hold your hand all the time so might as well start while in high school.


what you see is what you get... & some.


I will advice high school senior to take pre-college courses. These courses, also know as remedial courses help prepare students for college. There wouldn't be the need to start from remedial courses once they are admitted to college. This will help them to concentrate more on college courses, as well as graduate at the stipulated time.


Given the opportunity to travel back and have a conversation with high-school self, I would discuss three important areas that are life-lessons learned through experience and the opportunity to be college educated. The first piece of advice would be to understand the power of self-education. I would plead with my earlier self that though the teachers in high-school are good resources, the most important lesson to be learned is that if you want knowledge about a particular area or subject, to go and learn it. I would encourage myself to never let the answer given go unchallenged. My second piece of advice would be to enroll in any financial management courses in the area. Financial responsibility and literacy is not taught in school at any level and to become a financially successful man, you need to plan and understand the ins and outs of the dollar. Lastly, I would tell myself to live and love each day as if it was my last. Understand that we are not promised tomorrow and to take full advantage of every day with my family and friends. Be a resource to everyone I encounter and formulate positive relationships.


pick the right friends that would help you study not just the ones that always want to party and not study or do their home works. find a student that can help you and show you around. find a higher level student that has the same major as you. also find your self a mentor in your department.