I would constantly stress the fact that scholarships are extremely critical. Scholarships usually are the deciding factor in whether you attend your dream school or you have to just settle for a last minute school you know that you will not be happy at. Also I would stress the fact that only applying to schools out of state was not the best idea because once you visit, if it is not appeasing, there is nothing else to fall back on. Organization and time management are two of the biggest factors that can make or break you in college. If you are not organized, your work it can be very difficult to get work done in a timely fashion because it has been misplaced or thrown out. Time management is the largest factor that eliminates college careers for some. Once you are given the syllabus the work is your responsibility and there will be no reminders and no guiding you through assignments, either you get the work or you don't. Most importantly, you are in college for a reason. Everyone isn't lucky enough to attend college, so make the most of it, because there are no do-overs.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would simply tell myself to enjoy every aspect of being a Senior, enjoy the last moments of being with my closest friends, and not worry as much about getting into a college. I would also tell myself to enjoy my first year of college more and to be more social. Lastly, I would reassure myself that I am capable of excelling in a college atmosphere.
Do what you want and dont give up. Follow your heart. Take your time doing work. Prepare for exams in advanced. Make new friends, speak to EVERYONE no matter what.
The first thing i will tell myself is that your sucess is based on how you do in college so dont play and take it as a joke because you will either suceed or fail so try to suceed so that you can be sucessful. The next thing that i would tell myself is to pick a stady major so that you can do something you will njoy when you graduate from school so then you can make good money. The third thing i will tell myself is to kee in touch with all your professors because they might be able to help you out when you complete your class and go to the next course. Finally you should be yourseldf and know that you and only you can make you happy and help yourself as well as others.
When choosing a college think about oneself before others. The first step junior or senior year in high school is to decided whether or not one wants to attend college. Determination and motivation must be self achieved before applying to schools. There are so many choices of schools to attend, from public, to private, to HBCU's, to trade schools, and 4-year universities. There are honor colleges and community colleges, whichever school best fits the student must be researched properly and sufficiently.
All factors should be considered when searching for the right school: size, tuition, majors offered, financial aid offered, the general area, population, and how accessible the school is to other services and entertainment facilities. Parents listen to your students, take college tours and visits, become involved in what your students want out of their or your college choice. In the end it will be his or her education and your well-invested money.
College is an experience that one cannot get in writing. It's full of adventure, sturggles, awareness, and self acknowledment. All choices that are made have both positive and negative consequences, do not let the school of your choice be a negative factor.
The best advice I can offer on making a decision as to which college to attend is, don't pick the college you believe you will have the most fun attending, and don't pick a school that you have not visited. The decision should be based on if the school has your major, what your majors reputation is within the school and to the state, is the school affordable and can you see yourself staying there all fours years to earn your degree.
Check security and professors and students attending
Be open-minded.
Smile and be friendly to people, even when they arn't to you.
Stay focused on what you are in school for.
Be proud of who you are.
My advice to parents and/or students when searching for the right college and making the most of te college experience is to (1) any school you are looking at, make sure their degree program in which u are interested in is a good program.
(2) be very sociable and meet people.
(3) make sure your priorities are in order, meaning study first, party later.
and last , just enjoy life.
Follow your heart, choosing the school thats in your price range might not be the best choice. If your hearts not in the school you choose then it will show in your studies and you will regret being there.