University of Maryland Eastern Shore Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland Eastern Shore know before they start?


knowing what i know i would earnestly seek to take advantages of all the resources that would help me to pay for college in advance by gathering the information needed. also, take in to habit of creating a well organized study schedule that way it would be easier for me to not be in a rush or feel too overwhelmed when there are homeworks or assignments due. next, i would start to write down what is my goal and purpose of going to college and i would erase those that do not apply to my deepest interest i would then put together my goal and categories my short term and long term to figure who i want to be and when i would want to achieve those goals. finally, considering all these opitions. preperation for this new life will then take effect.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself i would tell me to take a deep breathe and to get ready for what is to haapen. High school is no comparsion to what you are about to venture on. Make you have everything, apply for more scholarships if you do not want to take out a loan. Be more serious cause you are literally on you're own, you are responsible for you. Nobody is here to tell you to go to class and finish you're homework it's all on you. Make the right choices and do be afraid to ask for help if you need a little guidance. Be strong and independent and Helpful towards others cause you never know who you might need in the future trust me i know.


The adivce i will giv my self is pay attention more in class and join as many activities as you can.


If I could go back in time to my high school self, i would tell her to focus on time mangement, trust, and health. First, the most important thing for an undergrad to master is the skill of time mangement. There are millions of temptations on a college campus, so you could be stuck between studying for an exam and going to a party. You have to schedule things so you can accomplish everything you want to. Next, trust is huge not only in college but in real life. Do not trust everyone, everyone is NOT your friend. You have to look out for yourself before you look out for anybody else. Put your best foot forward and use your brain to make decsions. Finally, be careful of over snacking and over eating. Take the steps to class instead of waiting for the elevator. Walking to class and eating the right meals everyday should put you on track to be a heathy college student. In conclusion, i would tell my highschool self to have fun and enjoy every moment of college because there is nothing like the college experience.


I would take everybodies advice more seriously.


If could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have excellent advice. Knowing what I know about how challenging the transition from high school to a college can be, I would tell myself to prepare myself for a complete change in my lifestyle. For instance, I would have told myself to prepare for total freedom and to be careful in making big decisions on my own. Although I had my mind set to thinking that college was going to be a fresh new start, and opening myself up to new and different things will be a must in order to eliminate my shyness and have fun. Ultimately, college has been quite an experience for me so far. There were some good times and bad times, however, the most important thing I have learned was to be fully responsible for my actions. I paid to go here for an education, and to enjoy the experience!


Dear Emily, College life is better than anything you expect, and different than anything you've imagined. You will miss your old friends, but you will make new ones. Everyone else is looking for friends too- smile and say hi! You will be surprised how thankful are for someone to break the ice and start a converstaion with them. Academics are important too. You will do fine as long as you study, do your homework, and attend every single class no matter how tired you are. Professors are knowledgable, but that doesn't mean they have to be intimidating. Most of them will go out of their way to help you with any trouble you might be having. Your brain will be in shape, but be sure to keep your body healthy too. Exercise and healthy eating will make you feel more energetic and make those early classes seem easier to handle. College will throw a million new opportunities at you- don't be afraid to try anything once whether its going to a protest, studying abroad, or trying sushi for the first time. Have goals and complete them. You can do anything you put your mind to.


Save money!! After I moved out of my mothers house I can not save my money because I have alot of bills. We have it very easy when we live home because you don’t have to pay for anything. I did not work through high school and that was an easy life compared to college life. I do not have home cooked meals every night when I get home. If I am hungry I have to make my own food. I do not have my laundry done for me which is the biggest thing for me because when your used to having someone do it for you it can be hard to remember. One thing I would have told myself is respect my mother and thank her more for helping me and paying my cell phone bill and doing all the things she has done while raising me. I now have a child of my own and I know how hard it can be to provide for his needs. I hope to prepare my child for his future when I will no longer be able to do everything for him.


. It is thru cultural & ethnic diversity that progress amongst the world has been achieved in technology and other areas of lives. The saying that “no two people are alike”, is in fact a true statement. If everyone believed the same, and acted the same it is possible that we as a people would become easily bored and more intolerant than we are today as a society. Everyone has a purpose in this life, and every individual has a talent and/or gift to offer society. Without religious, cultural, and ethnic diversity, the human race would be stuck in a mundane existence. Although, some may argue that intolerance is needed in some societies, I remain convinced that racial and cultural intolerance is a stumbling block for mankind. The more tolerant I am of others, the richer my life experiences have been. I have learned how to interact with peers who are as different racially as they are culturally. It has been my discovery that I can learn something from anyone. I have been taught not to disqualify anyone based on anything except their personal conduct. My advice would be to understand and accept diversity.


A degree at this time is the key to open many doors and have success in everything I could do.