Indiana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Indiana State University know before they start?


The most important piece of advice that I would give myself is to network and get to know as many people as I possibly could do. After searching the country for internships and post-graduate jobs, I have come to realize that knowing the right people can have a huge effect on whether you get a job or not. Unfortunately for me, I was not able to realize this fast enough as i did not really start networking until the start of my junior year in college. There is no doubt in my mind that knowing the right people can be one of the most valuable tools a person can have. One of my communication professors said it best, "It is not what you know that employers are looking for. It's who you know." That is why if I had the chance, I would go back and tell myself to go out and meet and introduce myself to as many people as I possibly could.


The first and foremost advice to give, always keep oneself on a schedule. Losing track of time and not getting the task you need to complete finished in the time that it should be can always make things stressful and get you further behind. When a test or quiz is assigned start studying the day that you are informed, never wait last minute or you are only failing yourself. It is also important to make friends in your classes; that way you can make little study groups to help you prepare. Another thing to consider would be giving oneself a break, just a little relaxing time so you are not feeling so overwhelmed. This could be done by giving yourself five minute breaks between homework for different classes. Also, never rush to get the homework done, even when you know your teacher is not collecting the work. In the end you?re going to wish you understood the material. With that said be sure that you are getting all the information and instructions of what is needed to complete the class. One last little bit of information be sure to ask questions if you are not completely understanding something. I


If I could go back in time and rethink some of classes I had in high school. I would also talk more to my teachers about what I needed to do to improve my chances at scholarships. I should have talked to more people about the different of living at home and going away to school would be. I would have looked into how much it would cost my parents and realized that I should have been more thankful of what I had at home.


Don't let the freedom of being at college lower your GPA. Make sure you know when assignments are due and turn them in on time. Don't wait until the weekend before to write a paper that is due Monday. Enjoy the crazyness that comes with having a roommate. Let things go, rather than letting them eat at you. STUDY LIKE CRAZY.


I remember sitting in the center of my living room, surrounded by over ten piles of literature from schools which were sure that they were the right one for me. Each university promised great people, top-notch academics, small class sizes, and an invaluable college experience that they were certain no other college could give. The funny thing is, I ended up going to the university which, on paper, seems like I would like the least. But ironically, I love it! If I had narrowed my college search down to only schools that fit my stringent checklist of what I thought I needed, I probably would have missed out on somewhere that stretched me and exposed me to new people, ideas, and opportunities. My checklist worked on paper but didn?t take into account the people I would meet or the opportunities I would have. If I could only go back to tell myself that college is what you make it, I would. Every school promises these great things, and the thing is, they probably can all deliver, because if you make the most of the opportunities you get, it will be the best four years of your life.


If I could go back in time and speak with myself as a senior in high school, I would make sure I am more aware of the journey that lies ahead. I would direct my attention more towards being organized for important deadlines as well as for main events such as orientation and advisor meetings. After admission to the college of choice, do to carefull examination of what best fits my future goals, I would give myself a heads up on how and when to sign up for classes. Already knowing now that if not done as soon as possible, then the classes needed for a desired major may not be obtained when necessary. Ultimately I would make sure that I get ready to interact with many new proffessors' and students from all over the world with very colorful personalities. Then wish myself luck and hope for the best.


If I where to go back in time to when I was in high school and talk to myself, while knowing what I know now, I would tell myself that college is very different from high school, even more then I would have guessed. I would tell myself that things are going to get tough and but it's for the best and it will only make me a better person. I will tell myself probably the most important thing is to not get behind in the schoolwork. Once that happens things only get harder and it will take a lot of work and self discipline to get caught back up. I would tell myself that while schoolwork is very important, it is important to also have some fun and be able to relax. I would tell myself that if all I did was schoolwork and never relaxed and had some fun, college would be something that I would hate and that's not right at all. I would tell myself that first and foremost do the schoolwork and get it done, then relax and have some fun.


If I would have been lucky enough to know as a senior what I know now I would seriously reconsider what I have done with my college education so far. I realize that the dreams I thought I had as a senior will not always get you exactly where you want to be and as you grow up you change your mind. If I would have known I would change my mind I would not have waited until my fourth semester of school to change my major to something that I am better able to accomplish. I would also reconsider the ways I handled the stress of classes and would have been more prepared to balance. But I wouldn't trade my of my experiences at Indiana State for anything because I love the comfort of small classes and great professors.


At the end of high school, I was anxious to start college and petrified at the notion that I will be literally on my own with none of my family or friends that I became so close with. The final night before I made my journey from my comfortable cozy home life to the enigma of college living, I was not able to sleep due to the state of panic that overwhelmed me because I felt that I was about to take the biggest leap into life that I could imagine. Now that I have experienced college life first hand I would travel back to that sleepless night and reassure that timid girl that everything would be alright, that your family is still there to support you, and you will gain so many new friends through activities and student organizations that you will be apart of that you never knew existed. College offers a person so many perspectives that can lead you on the path that you desire most and teach subjects that you have never considered. College is not just another chapter of life, it is a journey through all the dimensions of one?s self.


Growing up in high school was very difficult. When it came time to need help, I was unable to depend on anyone other than myself. Knowing what I know now about the college experience, there is so much advise I would give myself if I had the chance to go back. I would keep myself focused more than I did when I was in high school. I would also take advantage of the activities such as, student council, class officers, and scholarships that would help fund college. I would also have played some kind of sport. I would love to go back and do things differently, but I can't. My advise to any high school senior is to think of your future plans, becasue it's difficult planning the future for college when high school is over.