The college experience is all about budgeting. Time is one of the hardest things to budget especially when it seems as though you now have the freedom to do as you please. To succeed in college, you must choose your activites wisely so as not to become overwhelmed. Another thing that would have been great to know about is budgeting money. I did recieve a small scholarship; however, that still doesn't mean I have the freedom to spend as I please. It's so important to keep track and plan ahead financially, now more than ever because the certainty of finding of job is unknown and you will want something to fall back on. If you keep track of your time and finances, I can almost guarntee that you will be a successful student.
If I were to travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to think hard about what makes you happy, because although Indiana State University has helped me to realize my true passion in life, and to help me figure out what I want to do with my career, it has taken more time than I would have liked. I would tell myself to think of all the things I love and then narrow them down to decide what a realistic career choice would be.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would educate myself on how important it is to start my college career off being focused on academic work. During my first year as a college student, I was caught up in the hype of being away at college, which allowed me to slip on my academic work. Just when things were starting to get the point where I didn't know if I was going to fail out of school or not, I pushed myself to be extremely focused on my goals at hand and take college seriously. With the help of many faculty and supportive friends, I was able to regroup and put forth a much better effort with school work and was able to graduate in four years with a respectable GPA. Being that I don't have the ability to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I make it a priority of mine to speak with as many high school students as possible who are thinking about attending a college or university and encourage them not to make same mistakes i did.
You should get out of the habit of procrastinating and putting more time into writing papers.
First would tell myself to plan on studying a lot and to study hard. Also, I would prepare myself by saying that college isn?t going to be all fun and games, however, this experience will forever change my life. I would state that only through difficulties and challenges will I develop into a successful and responsible woman. Next I would explain how much this education is going to cost and encourage myself to apply for many scholarships. I would then give myself a rude awakening by saying that growing up to be an adult means paying for your own college and working countless hours all year round. It also means that my priorities will change and instead of buying winter clothes I will be buying Accounting books. Also, I would mention that I will meet some very influential people while attending ISU and that I should embrace that experience and take as much as I can from it. Lastly I would tell myself that it is going to be very difficult and stressful but if I do not experience hardship and learn to work through it then I will never develop into the woman I am meant to be.
I have spent many nights lying awake in my bed wishing I could go back in time to give my high school senior self some much needed words of advice. The most important thing I would have told myself would be that the AP classes I thought were too hard were only so hard because they were actually preparing students for college courses. I would encourage myself to take them instead of sliding by with easy courses, which ultimately failed to truly prepare me for college. Furthermore, I would have told myself to go on more college visits, and explore more options because my high school self assumed that college life was the same wherever you went. Finally, I would have pushed myself to become more concerned with learning to speak in public. I would tell myself that the hardest thing for me to deal with entering college was learning to speak in front of people. Communicating in front of a classroom is often expected of you in college, and I constantly wish I would have spent more time learning to speak in public in high school.
I was raised in a big family. Knowing that I would even get the chance to finish high school and was given little hope on going to college due to money and my parents not be able to send me. I excepted the fact. But now when I think back to how it should of turned out, I could of ask for help and went to college right after high school. I know now at this time in my life, that its never to late to go after your dreams and let nothing stop you from reaching your goals.
Dear Self,
You are a high school senior, way to go! I know you have many ambitions for your future, yet seem very nervous. However, I want to tell you, don't be afraid to try. Dare to dream. Don't limit yourself, but explore different avenues. This could mean joining the glee club, which is something you would never do in high school. Whatever you do, just try. I know many have told you that going college was impossible. However, I beg to differ. Just make sure to take advantage of all the resources on campus (i.e. career center, library assistance, even using your work study for your advantage). Never let anyone tell you "you can't". Remember, with God, all things are possible, you just have to believe. So, stand up straight girl, keep your goals in mind, and I will see you at graduation.
I would tell myself to apply for Air Force ROTC scholarships in high school. I had to work really hard to earn mine in college so I could have had an earlier start. I also would have told myself to save as much money as possible, and also not to bring so much stuff to school my freshman year! I also would have told myself to get more involved in high school extra activities so that I could get used to having a busy schedule.
to stay at only one school