Indiana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Indiana State University know before they start?


I would say do your research, study the demographic, the class size, and the location. Find out how you are going to pay for college. I would say visit the university and see the culture of the campus first hand before you make a decision on either attending this school or sending your child there


When looking for a college you need to visit a lot of them and get a feel for them. Talk to the students who attend and ask lots of questions. Look for a school with smaller class sizes where you can get to know everyone and especially the professors. It's such a good feeling when the professors know your name. The cost doesn't matter as much as the fact that you are comfortable. There are many scholarships to apply for, so worry about how you feel, not how much it costs. No matter where you go to college just make sure that it is right for you. Take the time to do your "homework" when deciding which college to choose.


Always make sure that you visit the college that you are planning on attending before hand. I would recommend making two trips, one with your parents, and one without. It is important for you to know about your school not only from a scholars point of view, but also from a social point of view so that you know if the school is really a fit for you.


For parents, if your child wants to pursue something that they are passionate about, support them. That will give them the confidence to succeed. Let your child look at a college that has programs that they want to pursue. There are scholarships and other aid to help with tuition. For Students, Go To Class!!!!!!!!!!! Attendance is very important, it will help you with your grade!!!!!!!!!! It can raise your grade. Think positive and go for your dreams! Make friends while you are in college they can last a lifetime, and that is a beautiful thing. Work Hard and don't give up on your dreams! Keep your head up and when you earn that degree it will be an awarding experience.


dont be scared to move away to school because that was the best thing i ever did.


Finding the right college isn't about test scores and grades. It's about finding a place you can call home, a place where you feel that you fit in right away. You don't want to pick a college that you will be miserable at until you graduate. There is nothing like the college experience and you can't replace the wonderful experience you'll have while at college. Make the most of it do something that's out of you're comfort zone you never know you may end up liking it. Become involved in various activities around campus. Take a class that you're curious about the subject of. These are the best years of your life you'll meet new friends, go through some pretty hard times, but in the end you won't want to trade any of it for the world. Enjoy yourself!


make sure you look at all over your option before chosing a college


Apply to more than one place some in-state and some out. Go see the campus. Walk around, have lunch, get the experience. I went to a women's basketball game at my college before I made my choice. Find out about the history of the campus and about the department that you are thinking about going into. See if there is an upperclassmen in the department that can show you around the buildings that you might be in. Just go explore and choose the school that feels right. As a student you have to choose a school that you love and as a parent you have to let your child choose, even if that means letting them go to a school out of the state. If the student is not happy at the school, they will not do well. Trust your gut. Choose what you love.


Visit more than once. It's hard to peg with just one short visit. Get to know people. And if it feels right, it probably is. But remember what's most important to you.


Go with whatever college suits your needs. If you need something close, don't be discouraged by a college that isn't your first choice. Your parents should be supportive of whatever you do, because sometimes it takes a few wrongs to make a right, and they should know that before anyone. Above all else, have fun, and try to learn something!