I would say that you need to give your college education all of your effort. You need to strive to succeed and leave all the family issues behind. You are smart and worth it. Work for your future and don't worry about what others think. Use fianancial aid grants and work study; wait on loans as a last resort. Budget and pace yourself well
Have your student apply to as many places as early as possible to keep their options open and to keep scholarships available to them. When it comes down to choosing, remember that it should be entirely their decision. They will not succeed where they are unhappy.
Always visit the campus. A college may have what you want to study but if the campus does not feel right the student will not do well.
Finding the right college involves a lot of research on both the parents and students parts. Students should visit the campus at least twice and walk around to get the feel of it. Something that I did was contact students who were going to Indiana State and asked about how they liked their dorm, dealing with roomates and what to do for fun in the area. It is a great way to make friends before you go and it can help put your mind at ease if you are nervous about the big move. Parents should also visit the campus with their student and ask any questions they have, if they are on a tour, of the guide. They should also chat with someone in the financial aide department if there are any financial concerns to see what they can afford with their budget and how to get extra funds just to be on the safe side. The right college will have your degree, driven students, caring professors and a staff of deans and other school professionals that will take the time to make sure you get everything done on time and correctly.
To both parents and students, look to see if the schools offer the major your interested in, but also consider the cost and how much the university is willing to help you. If your major is offered at both a private and a public university, the public university will probably offer more help. As for making the most of the college experience, remember that this is your chance to start over. No one knows you yet, so you can be anyone you want to be. A clean slate.
The most important part of finding the right college is personal fit. A student is more successful if they are in an environment they like, and in which he or she is most comfortable. Unfortunately, that is not always the cheapest school, or even the most prestigious school. But if prestige is not important to the student's future career, keep in mind that it may be best not to go with the "wow" school. I chose a small university, with little prestige, but the exact program I was looking for, and so I feel I am getting the best education, if not the most "wow" factor on my resume. To me, that is what really matters.
Make sure you weigh out all the pros and cons of attending a certain university. Class size and professor/student interaction is something that should be fully considered.
I would tell them to make sure it is what the student wants. Check into the programs before deciding on your school.
My advice to parents and students selecting a college for higher education and learning is to be persistent and consistent in your application submission. And always apply for financial aid as early as possible. Last, do not take your studies lightly, even in high school and grade school. And committ to giving back to society in some way. The challenge of doing for others is rewarding in itself.
I highly recommend new college students to direct your life and career into something that you enjoy doing. Do not make your major a subject that will supposedly pay you more then anything else. You will and your co-workers will not be happy if you are just there to make money. Find something that you truely enjoy doing and makes you who you are. A student who accepts a low paying job but enjoys every minute of it will be much happier in the long run with their life then a student who does the complete opposite.
When it comes to parents, I never had any there for me, and it hurt horribly. Not having that support system and encouragement made me feel alone and scared me. I did become more independant but it's very important for a college student to have good support or someone to turn to when they are having a hard time. Having someone there to listen, understand or even just reflect their thoughts will help them succeed mentally, causing them to be more successful at school and in life as well. Parents should be supportive by writing, calling, texting or even just Aiming. :-)