Through my college experience, I have discovered the importance of being involved on campus. So far, college has allowed me to interact with students with the same interests and major as me. I believe that college has taught me how to improve my study methods, be more responsible, and learn how to be a mature individual. College comes with a variety of oppurtunities, but it has also taught me many things that do not apply to my studies, such as communication skills, that will be required in today's workforce. In addition, attending class has taught me valuable skills, but has it been worth it? Of course it has been worth it! Attending class has allowed me to participate in thought-provoking lectures, as well as improve my note-taking and writing skills. Overall, I have discovered that college requires tremendous work and dedication. This experience has taught me much about life and the value of education. I know that the knowledge and experience I gain through my years at The University of Texas at Arlington will follow along with me for the rest of my life; for me, that makes all the difference.
Out of my first year of college I have learned that you should go into college with an open mind, and a clear head. You should be open minded to new experiences. But you still need to focuse on the important things in life in order to succeed. Its not easy being open minded it takes time. Take a chance and you'll never know what will happen. Its been valuable for me to attend because its allowed me to become more well rounded, social, and more involved with the peers in my school.
College has been so valuable to be because it gives me the strength and also the will power to know that I can do anything I put my mind to. I will be the first person in my family to graduate college with a bachelor's and master's degree in social work. I also realize that this experience will help me show my son that I could attend college and complete college even though I raised him myself. I was scared being a single mother but I realize now that I have someone else who is going to be depedent on me and also look to me as a role model. I realize college can be the best years of your life but it also teaches us that we can do whatever we put our minds too.
i have learned time management skills whuch has heloed me manage my time etter
I believe getting a good education is a universal human right and pursuing a liberal arts education via higher learning falls under this banner. The guidance I’ve received from the counselors and professors, not to mention the friends I’ve met, all have been primary factors contributive towards my success. What matters to me the most are the knowledge and life experience I’ve benefited from during my collegiate years. Philosophy, politics, history, art history/projects are among my most favorite courses to have studied. The great Socrates, through his disciple Plato and his dialogues, had once claimed, “A life not inquired is one not worth living.” One of the most often proclaimed clichés permeating all societies and cultures is “money makes the world goes around.” It is the political economy that makes the world spins on its existential axis. The American philosopher George Santayana’s famous dictum says it all about knowledge and history, “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.” Higher education is the gateway to attain enlightenment towards truth. As Americans, we should all attempt to enter this gate, because we have the universal right to do so.
I have obtained many things from my college experience, knowledge in history, science, math and humanities. But I have also obtained self-respect, confidence and a future. Self respect in a way that I am comfortable in expressing my views and opinions allowing for confidence in the words I say and the person I have become. I have established a future, a future that is placed before me assuring me of a steady job, the job I have tried so hard to get. I have gotten all these things and much more. It has been valuable for me, because it has assured my future and the life I attend to live. It has allowed me strive to do better and has been extremely valuable in the information and the confidence I gained through my years as a college student.
I have learned that school can be tougher than you thought but that all these hard work will have its rewards later on. I never regret coming to school because the education is your best weapon in life.
So far I've learned that college is at a new level. I have always been dedicated to my education while also maintaining a heavier work schedule, but I've been able to work around that and find all the help I've needed at The University of Texas at Arlington. The classes are also very nice.
I've grew as a person. It was valuable for me to go to UTA because if not for UTA, I may have never truly settled on what I wanted to do for my future. And for that, I'm quite grateful.
I met a lot of people while attending UTA. Many of whom I am still friends with today. The degree that I received is from a recognized program within Texas and I am proud to display it.