I would tell myself that College isn't a joke. It's easy to think that you can work a full time job and go to school full-time AND still have a life, but that just isn't possibe for most students, especially in tough majors like engineering. College IS a full-time job. I would tell myself to really look into ways to pay for college without going into a lot of debt by applying for as many scholarships and grants as possible. The last advice I would give myself would be to keep an open mind and really think about why you believe what you do. Try to make any argument from the other side and see if it makes sense. If it does, don't be stubborn in accepting a new view. Having a reason for believing in everything you do is really what makes you smart: not just taking everything you hear and accepting it as the truth.
I would advise myself to take even more AP classes. I took AP English and history/government, but I wish I would ahve taken more math classes specifically.
Shut up and listen! I'm you and need to explain everything, but I'm limited by words!
Being afraid is not wrong, letting it control you is. Ask for help, you need it (everyone does), get braces, and kiss that girl, you regret it.
Quit playing with it. I wax my palms, can't see and it fell off!
In the future, smart's hot! You study, score well, and you'll get the girls. Learn to speak German, so when you learn Spanish, you'll be sexier. Get your degree before joining the Navy and retire when your 43!
Be active in, the community, finding faith, athletics (look, AARGH), and politics. They're boring, but full of corruption. if you're not knowledgeable, you'll get bit.
Watch out for these two. She stops taking her pill to trap you and she has your daughter after you leave, so don't lose track of her!
You get burned every time you combine friends, family, and money. Don't do it or give anyone the opportunity to take from you. Learn to save your money and listen to your gut, it's not hunger, it's a warning!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself several things. First and most importantly, I would tell myself to work harder. Even though the teachers do not require one to do a great deal of work, it is important to try and to learn the material, because college is a definite eye-opener to having to work hard when you do not have to work hard in high school. Secondly, I would tell myself to SAVE money! Being in college is hard to manage and have a job also. Last of all, I would tell myself to sit back and enjoy the ride, because high school is the best and easiest time and after graduation comes all of the responsibility, so enjoy it while it lasts!
I would give anything for this opportunity. I would approach myself, put my hand on my high school selve's shoulder and say "Nick, have a seat, I have a lot I want to run by you." At this time I would communicate where I've been since I graduated and how much time I wasted on things that were not important. Most important of all would be the advice I would be able to give on preparing for college. I would explain that preparing for college takes research, time, planning, diligence, committment and hard work. I would adivse on all of the amazing opportunities that are out there for students like scholarships for academic achievments, organizations to connect with that help prepare for college and that connect you with good college contacts.
I would stress this main point: College preperation is not a one day/week/month/year event. Preparing for college is something that needs to be a high-school-long preparing event. Hang out with the people that you know are interested in future education so that you can hold each other accountable. I'd tell my High School self that our future depends on all this.
Do more research into scholarships and financial aid. Actually apply for scholarships and not put them off.
Stop procrastinating and get better study habits! Highschool was a breeze, college might seem easy for a while, but it just gets harder!
Figure out what you really want to do with your life, you're actually more interested in tinkering with machines and making film than healthcare! Apply to more colleges that can cater to that. Think outside of the box and don't worry about what the parents say about what you should do with your life or where you should study, go where you can get the best education for your career choice.
Actually be more involved on college campus just like you were in high school, don't just say you will and forget about it.
Actually listen to your girlfriend's advice, she's almost always right when it comes to making life choices and you shouldn't be so big headed about your own opinions.
Stop trying to be a traditional, stereotypical asian, you're an AMERICAN, don't judge yourself based on what others judge you as!
STUDY! Work on those study habits!
Wow, this is a great question....I would tell the very young me to really consider the importance of my college education. I would emphasize to myself the importance of studying and how great it really does feel to get fantastic grades and know that Ive really accomplished something by doing well in my classes. I also would tell myself to give myself some time, maybe even my freshman and sophomore years to take lots of diverse classes and really think about what I want to get my degree in. I waivered back and forth on what I wanted to degree in, and ended up extending my undergraduate program way too long by changing my direction during my junior year. While college life is loads of fun and important in helping us mature into adults, its not what its all about and you've got to work on the grades constantly. I know now that I am a smart person and when I apply myself to anything, I can always exceed. I would remind my young self of that over and over again!
As a freshman in college since my first semester I have wished I could go back in time to high school and do things different and take things more seriously. There being more then 400 senior students I did what I could to be on top (which I achieved) but I slid by doing assignments without really thinking that what I was learning was going to come back up in my future. So if I could go back I would tell myself to study more and capture what I was being taught, taking the time to analyze things. If I had just simply captured and kept the information I learned then things now in college would have been a lot simpler. I am sitting in class now thinking "I really wish I had payed more attention in biology class." I would tell myslef that how I do in high school will determine my future, it is my stepping stone into the real world. Also tell myself to focus and pay attention because what I am learning now will be expected to be known in college. The teachers will not wait around, I will now be responsible to keep.
I recieved a well rounded education at the University of Texas Arlington. I not have the skills necessary to move on to graduate school. My prior experience as an undergraduate at UTA gave me the skills to move on to a better paying job and or go back to school and work on my graduate degree.
College was an important step in my life and I would not have exchange that wonderful experience for anything else. During my high school years, I was still very dependent and was not able to realize the importance of many valuable things in my life such as family, school, and money. However, starting college has change that point of view and it has provide me a more higher and broader understanding of life and reality. I was no longer a child that can't do things for herself, college has make me a more capable person that realize and appreciate hardwork. Along with all these new skills and wisdom that I have gained from attending college, I have learned two new useful skills that will stay with me in the future, the ability of time management and perseverance. As I go further to reach my goals, I know that each day that I attend college, I will be able to discover another aspect of life, another lesson of wisdom that will help me in my journey to higher education.