The University of Texas at Arlington Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Arlington know before they start?


College is not high school. In high school all of your teachers are you friends, you have all of your classes everyday, and your daily activites tend to be planned for you. In college, professors withdrawl from their classes; with hundreds of new students every semester it would be nothing more than stressfull for them to get to know everyone of their students. Therefore, it is very important to try and find reasons to talk to your professors otherwise when scholarships roll around no one will be there to write recomdation letters. On top of that, you will not have your classes everyday and some classes may even be just one day a week. Learn how to use a planner in highschool while you have room to miss writing an assignment down here and there, because chances are the teacher will remind you before the due date. Professors cannot and will not allow you any of this kind of slack. Another use for the planner would be to keep track of preiodical events. Some groups only meet once a month or you could have many group projects going on at once, and unlike highschool you cannot deduce the date.


Make a bunch of mistake and learn from that. Be productive, teachable and smart. Spend more time with family and improve personality knowleage. Be strong and never give up. Make something difference and always be myself. Treat people the way I want to be treat. Love people !


I would remind myself to be more proactive. Going into my freshman year of college I couldn't care less about scholarships, financial aid or even scheduling my classes on time. I was incredibly lazy and it felt like everything financially related was being spoon fed to me by my parents. My naivety ended up being my gravest mistake. I am now transfering schools so that I can live at home, working a part time job and applying for financial aid and scholarships. All of this could of been easily avoided had I of been more proactive during my senior year of high school.


If I could go back to when I was a highschool senior I would tell myself to study more. That although highschool was easy college is not the same. You have to seriously commit yourself full time to your studies in order to achieve the best grade possible. Since college classes are fairly short your complete grade will depend mostly on your test so study for them as soon as possible. Don't skip class, read all textbook materials, and manage your free time the best you can. Do not let the freedom allow you to fall behind just think that all the things you give up now or have to miss now will later pay off a hundred times more. Make good friends and associate with the people that will in the end help you succeed and reach the goals you have set for yourself. Do not change your beliefs to conform to others and be a person you will be proud to later recall.


Read more because it is the main thing that college students do, daily. Study for test and do your homework so that you can practice. Don’t be afraid of the adults and ask questions, attend the presentations that are for help, attend tutoring, and the places that offer help to improve. Do not procrastinate and memorize things because it’s different in college and that won’t help but hurt you.


I would instruct my self to take school more seriously. I would also make myself sit down and apply for more scholarships then what I had already applied for. I would prep myself for the rigours and change in pace that university life is made of. As a Senior I wanted to go to college but I did not have the motivation or the drive to seek out the knowlege on what i wanted to do. Had I sought this out and taken the time to review majors available to me i would not have changed majors after my first year at the University of Texas Arlington. I would hope also that I would have a heart to heart with the young me and explain what doing better in college would have granted me upon graduation. Thanks.


I would tell myself to take it seriously. I have 2 associates degrees, I have gone to 3 different universities and one community college, it is just so expensive to fool around and not take your education seriously. I would tell myself to really research a major that I would love to get into. To not jump straight into college and perhaps wait a semester to compare prices, schools, and education quality. I would tell myself to save and be smart about my money. Don't get yourself into unnecessary debt. Learn how to study, learn how to manage your energy and your time. But most importantly make an informed decision. I feel that up until 2 1 year and a half ago most of my decisions about life and about my education where decision made on a whim rather than on an informed state of mind.


There is a huge barrier between high school and college and many astonishing differences that I would have never fathom. There are a few pieces of advise that I would reach out and give my high school self If I were given a chance, including work hard by all means, college parties sound fun, but will only hender in the long run. Last but not least to always keep God first. I would engrave in my old self's head to work hard and to push my self past limits so that my future can be sealed exclusively. I would encourage myself to stay away from the "long dreaded" college parties because the people who party every weekend will not be there to lend me notes or help me to prepare for an exam; partying every weekend will destroy the college career that I have longed for and it's better to not make it a habit. I will encourage my high school self to keep God my number one fan, and to go to him in my present help of trouble. I would make myself understand that God will always be there for me through all circumstances.


Being the first generation of my family to attend a university in the United States, I knew little about what it takes to get accepted to big-name universities and or how to qualify for scholarships. I wish I had knowledge of the importance of the standardized testings, such as ACT's and SAT's. If I had only tried a little harder, studied a little more, and known of how that would help me tremendously, I probably could have saved my parents a lot more money.


DO NOT TAKE HIGH-LEVEL MATH HERE. It's hard, departmental tests, and you don't get a calculator.