The University of Texas at Arlington Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Arlington know before they start?


Scottye, this is your future self. Don’t freak out. I have something important to tell you. You are about to enter into one of the most fun, challenging, scary, and by far the most interesting seasons of your life. Things are going start slow, escalate quickly, and then slow down again. Friends will come and go. Mistakes will be made, but remember they are only mistakes if you don’t learn from them. You will question a lot, but hey, that is what college is all about, you may even find a few answers by looking hard enough. You will make a friend name Michael, do me a favor and cherish every moment you spend with him. It’s important to keep your grades up, but friends are more important, don’t forget that. You have your first bar experience, it gets a little dicey, but you come out a legend. All in all I could tell you not to do a few things or to do some things better, but you know what, you end up doing pretty well—and you do get the girl. P.S. Maybe you shouldn’t go on that river trip.


I was in AVID (Advanced Via Individual Determination) which was a college prep class. We went on college tours and had many college visitors. The main thing I am learning is to always have a back up plan. Never assume that you will get any scholarships you apply for. Keep applying even if you have already applied for 50 keep applying. Contact the school, don't be afraid because there really are other people in your situation.


Travleing back in time, as a topic, brings with it many emotional feelings as much as it sparks creative curiosity to the mind. People contemplate about all kinds of ways they should have acted upon past decisions or even alter that decision itself. However, sometimes thinking on this thought just renders the person inept to continue forward. I do not dwell on the mistakes I made as a high school senior, but I do realize there were things I needed to advise myself. Placing much more of my effort and consideration towards the college process would have put me in a better situation. It was nessasary to have taken scholarships in a serious mind set along with initiatives about discovering more on inner workings of my university. Now I am here absorbing all of the consiquences for my past mistakes. I am hoping I have enough 'bell tolls' before deadlines and finances to get matters resolved before I get dropped from my classes. The responsibility of a college student did not come after freshman orientation , it began during the start of my senior year of high school.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to apply myself more, and to learn as much as I can about everything. Knowledge is a possesion that no one can ever take away from another person. Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself that an education is more important than it seems to be at a young age. An education is not only a tool to put someone ahead of the competition, but it also brings a sense of accomplishment to ones life. At a young age, most young adults do not consider such aspects of life, but I believe that a sense of accomplishment and a higher education can have a huge impact on someone's perception of a successful life.


Susan, You are a talented and intelligent person. Anxiety will try to cripple you. Force yourself outside your comfort zone and you will overcome your fears. When you struggle and teachers say “you will never be..”, remember, only God knows what you will and will not be. Set goals and work hard. Don’t let your high school counselors and teachers ignore you. Throughout your education some classes will be difficult but they do not define you or your intelligence. Embrace your strengths but do not run away from your weaknesses. Do not work two jobs to try and earn your college tuition. Taxes and time will impede your path. Instead, research government assistance, college grants and scholarship opportunities. Visit local colleges and ask questions. Do not move away and do not attend an unaccredited vocational school. It will only lead to huge debt and when you decide to pursue your bachelors’ degree, you will be forced to start all over again. Stay home, hold a part time job, and keep one goal in mind–a Masters Degree. If you follow this advise you will get where your going in an expedient manner and you will have a rewarding future.


Back in Highschool I would give myself the advice to stay focused, take more time to study, and be careful on trusting to easily.


Hey Babe! You're doing great. You're going to college this year! I know you're scared: scared of failing, scared of disappointing Mom and Dad. Let me let you in on a secret. You're going to be awesome. I just wish you wouldn't stress quite so much. Run cross country your freshman year. It’s a blast! Coach Izzo is going to have a major effect on your life. You're going to learn how strong you really are. When you meet Dr Flanagan, don't let her get to you. You'll pass with flying colors. I know it was tough being a home schooled kid. You've never had classmates before. You feel like you stick out. Whether they say so or not, people respect you. It’s way cool that you're different. Please don't choose to drink underage in hopes of being accepted. And for God's sake, don't foolishly drive buzzed. No, you don't get caught, but the memory will always bring shame. The life before you is quite a journey. You’ve got this. Be true to you. All My Love, You’re 36 year old self


The advice I would give myself would be to challenge yourself more, take advantage of this future opportunity so close at hand. I would tell myself to not see college as something to get through like high school. Take your time in college, enjoy your time in college, do not let people try and rush you through it. If I could talk to myself in high school I would tell myself to not listen to other people, know that your capable of accomplishing anything your willing to work hard for and that your the only person who can stop you. I had a high school counselor tell me not to apply to the University I graduated from, I had a college counselor tell me I couldnt get into nursing school. I am now enrolled in a nursing doctorate program and the only regret I have looking back is that I even considered letting people who didnt know me tell me what or who I could be. I can only say to pursue every chance college gives you because youll spend the rest of your life wishing you could be back in college.


"If you're early you're on time, and if you're on time you're late!" - My theatre director Little did I know that these words would be more important to me than I would ever realize. I was the guy who, when confronted with a problem, would take forever to get it started out of fear; fear of the unknown, fear of making a mistake. When time to register for Community College started, I thought it would be a simple and quick process, boy was I wrong. You see there are a few things you need to do before enrolling in your courses. I needed to complete my TSI placement tests, which means I had to study for each test, then also get the required documents, and let's not forget the mandatory advisement sessions. In the end I was left with night courses, that I barely made it in, at the last day to register for classes. If I could some how send a message to myself back then, I would tell myself to plan six months in advance, and I would also tell myself to submit for every single scholarship opportunity that presented itself to me.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and give myself advice for college, there would be two important things that I would say; take every opportunity that you can and relax, it all works out like it should. College is a time to explore who you are and what you want to do. It is very important to explore every opportunity that is available. Find a group that you are interested in, wether that be a sports team, greek life or a group that focuses on things that you want to do. Not only do you get to go do some awesome things, you get to meet new people. Plus, there is normally free food and things at these opportunities. I would also tell myself to relax and enjoy the time spent in college. It goes by so quick. Take all the classes you can and join all the groups you can but remember that you are there to figure yourself out. So take the time to relax and have a fun time with friends and family. Hopefully, I would listen just a bit more to myself than my parents.