The University of Texas at Arlington Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Arlington know before they start?


Oh high school me, you were so free. Looking back I wish I could warn you against going to parties and getting wasted with so-called friends. Those people are not your true friends and they will disappear as soon as you wake up from your drunken stupor. Start AA now because you know in your heart you need the stability and lessons they teach. Having fun is great but it is all worthless if you can't remember the night before. Silly high school me, boys do not define you. A man will never support you and you can't depend on a Disney ending. Everything you have you will need to earn with hard work and determination. Make friends with people at school and don't keep those dead beat friends, they will only drag you down to their level. I know you are strong and smart but you can't go to school when your're drunk. Think not of the time and money you will be wasting if you keep on this path but of the opportunity that others would kill for. Be the best person you can be or else you will be no one


The advice I would give to myself as a senior would be obvious - make plans now. I waited until very last minute to choose a college and apply, so I didn't get any scholarshps or very much financial aid. I would tell myself to start practicing good study habits, and implementing them and practicing them early, so I wouldn't be lazing around and waiting until the very last minute to do assignments. Overall, I would tell myself how different college and high school are. College takes effort and you have to present every moment of the day, not just inattentively sitting through class and expecting to breeze through like high school. be prepared, and don't give up!


The most important advice I would give myself would be not to be afraid of change and go straight to a university after high school. I was accepted into a number of different schools but I was scared of the change that came with it. Instead, after graduation I attended the local community college and that has been the one thing I wish I could go back in time and change.


I would go back and make sure that my high school self applied to colleges and scholarships before senior year even started because i am now in a situation where I do not know how I will pay for college. I know, If i had signed up for scholarships earlier, and applied to every college, I would not be in the precarious situation I find my self in now. Another peice of advice would be to keep up with school work and stay in the top 5 instead of dropping to numbder 10 overall becasue it would've helped find and get better scholarships. My main piece of advice would be not to procrastinate in everything that had to be done in my senior year becasue that is all I did and it came back and burned me.


I would make myself study more and do better in my classes. I graduated with a high C/low B average. UTA would have given me a scholarship because I did great on my SATs but had a horrible GPA. Also, I would apply for more scholarships, a lot more. I would have advised my past self to join an organization. It helps to feel a part of a group, and it would improve my leadership and teamworking skills. College was not so hard to transition into, and I have loved the experience.


If I had the chance to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would have so much more than 200 words to say to myself. I would tell myself to prepare for the challenges that were ahead, everybody told me what to expect but the college experience is different for everybody. I would tell myself that even though living at home with my parents and going to community college for a few years seems like the world might end but that it would be so worth having a home to live in to focus on my studies. I would also tell myself that one of the most important things to do while living at home with my parents would be to save money for university. Finally, I would tell myself that college is a beautiful experience and that I should be extremely excited to experience it with everyone I love surrounding me, because at the end of the day, if one is doing what they love, then they are really living life to the fullest.


Your high school career was the opportunity to make life a tad easier financially and mentally. Financially, because if you had got good grades from the start you would have made it to the top ten percent. And with that, you would recieve that scholarship with no big deal. You just needed a push, a motivation. I know your friends dragged you down into procrastinating, staying up late, bomb tests, play games all the time. However, it was a test whether if you would follow your friends or not. Mentally, because you would know the presistence of your goal, your determination. I have realized that far too late. Your senior year goal is the time to apply colleges and scholarships early, before the Christmas, this is the time to show how worthy you are and college doesn't come cheap at all. Mom and Dad can't cover you the whole time. This is the time where you think," I have no money, at all, what should I do?". Scholarships make life easier, don't avoid them just because it's senior year and it is the time to relax. You have summer for that, don't give up.


If I had the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would tell me to spend more time focusing on filling out scholarships in my free time. I would aslo let myself know that out in the real world friends from high school tend to not stick around, so don't worry about trying to impress them and instead worry about doing what you love and what makes you happy.


The best advise I would give to myself as a new senior in high school is to not worry about where all of my friends are going. After school ended you realized those who chose schools based on their friend's decisions ended up back at home at the local community college. While the first year of college means separation from people you've known since first grade, it also is a chance to cross of a list load of first. No matter where friends go, the long term friends will stick around and the temporary aquaintinces come and go. The only thing that matters is your education and choice in school is non but your own. As your mom would say "Do yo' thing baby".


Senior year flies by! They arent joking when they say, '"Blink, and you'll miss it." While I did enjoy my senior year, there are a few things I would do differently looking back. The biggest piece of advise I would give myself would be to better manage my time. I was ignorant in thinking I would have ample time to apply for colleges and scholarships, so I continously put it off. Meanwhile the deadline dates quickly approached, and I found myself rushing to the end. This of course results in subpar work, and ultimately hurt me in the end. Another piece of advice i'd give myself would have been to become more involved in extracurricular activities and clubs while in highschool. College is all about becoming apart of a group or niche, and being exposed to that earlier on definitely helps in the proccess of doing so. Other than these things, I was satisfied with my senior year. So again, my only words of advice are to stay involved, and don't waste any time!